D.A.R.E. switches its anti-marijuana stance aaaaaaaaaand it's gone …
Remember back in the day when things were that much more grand? Racial inequality was disguised so well we all hid behind blissful ignorance, taxes were for adults and some of us reveled in those shitty toys wrapped in D.A.R.E. stickers we got just for signing an arbitrary contract about not using drugs. Because somehow that was someone's bright idea to stop the marijuana-madness …
But we always thought one day D.A.R.E. and the multitude of other failed campaigns would take notice of how silly they sound to the rest of us. An organization couldn’t possibly be this steadfast in its misinformed opinion they’d continue to harp on and on about the "dangers" of cannabis and unintelligibly think a world of complete sobriety is even be possible, right?
This past Monday, we thought our dreams of them coming upon the light had come to beautiful fruition. D.A.R.E. posted a pro-marijuana article on its site. Hooray! Oh … jeez, fuggit, false alarm …
D.A.R.E., it seemed, had lifted its stance on weed when it republished a pro-pot op-ed piece written by former deputy sheriff Carlis McDerment, subtly alluding to the possibility D.A.R.E. had been wrong all along.
The piece (seen in its entirety here on The Columbus Dispatch and below via screenshot) was written as a common sense “here you go” about the “dangers” of marijuana compared to that of “stairs, Tylenol, bleach, forks and outlet sockets …” — something not so comparable to that of D.A.R.E.’s “NO NO NO” stance on just about anything fun.
Someone apparently wasn’t paying attention to the task at hand …
Because the op-ed was quickly pulled down, and when Christopher Ingraham of the Washington Post had finally received comment from the campaign about the article, it claimed again they “do not support legalization” nor advocate “for legalization for marijuana.” They also said they’re in the process of dealing with the fallout.
For the love of … how the hell is an organization like this still even around — considering we know weed's not as harmful as they always say it is, legalization works (just look at Colorado and the money we’re swimming in) and now more people support legalization than not than at any other time.
It's not surprising, we suppose, because some people out in the world still think the Holocaust was fabricated by our own government — so the truth is we may never see organizations come over to the common sense side of the fence. *shrug*
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