
Hometown: Atlanta, Georgia
Current job: Photographer
Zodiac sign: Scorpio
Favorite color: Yellow
What’s your type? Tall. Funny. Confident.
Deal breakers: Short guys. Catfishers.
Hobbies: Concerts. Photography. Traveling.
Current dating situation: Dating around not looking for anything too serious; just looking for a good time, not sex … but definitely sex.


Hometown: Buffalo, New York
Current job: Sales
Zodiac sign: Libra
Favorite color: Blue
What’s your type? Sporty. Down for whatever. Beer drinker.
Deal breakers: Super fancy. Doesn’t like pizza. 
Hobbies: Snowboarding. Hiking. Sking.  
How single are you? Single, enjoying it. Denver is a very single oriented city.

Blue Moon RiNo

3750 Chestnut Pl, Denver, Colo. 80213


Rooster pairs two hip and happening singles together again for dinner and a few beers. It is almost wedding season, after all, is this the date that finally gets us invited to a Blind Date inspired marriage? Our track record says no, but we have to get it right once in a blue moon, yeah? Let’s find out together lovers ..

How do you usually meet singles? 
Guys don’t typically come up to me at bars or grocery stores so I use Tinder, Bumble, social media.
DYLAN: I’m a beer snob, so usually, breweries. If she’s down to go to a brewery and get pizza or something that instant points. I worked a recent casting call for The Bachelor and got a lot of phone numbers from 400 girls waiting in line, I went on a date with one of them and it didn’t go well, she ghosted me. 

Have a weird or funny first date story you can share with Rooster readers?
Someone posing as someone they used to be or are pretending to be someone else. I met someone who came off as tall, outgoing, confident but in person, they were short, scrawny and scared. That’s the crazy thing about dating apps, you can be anyone you want over text. 
D: I’ve met girls that talk about their pet the whole time. I love dogs but when a date won’t shut up about theirs it’s annoying.

How would you rate your experience with dating apps when it comes to finding love or lovers?
It’s actually been really awesome; I’ve been making more friends than anything. 
D: I’ve swiped right a few times using dating apps but nothing ever comes from that — something fun to do when you’re bored. I meet people on Instagram. I comment pizza or burger emoji’s on their posts for a while and a lot of times girls will actually slide into my DM’s asking why I keep commenting and it starts a convo that leads to me asking if they want to get pizza or something. It works quite a bit.

What are some of your dating app turn on’s?
When a guy is totally himself and kind of open, doesn’t just say 'uhh, I like tacos and pizza.' Everyone likes tacos and pizza, alright? Why do you have to put that on there?
D: Humor. Funny profile. Humor goes a long way.   

Dating app turn off’s?
Not knowing a guys height. Guys try to be super funny in photos, trying to be the super life of the party comes across as super cheesy.  
D: Super serious profiles. 

Have you ever been to Blue Moon Brewery before?
No, I haven’t but I’m really excited to be here, the beer is outstanding.  
D: Yes, this place is great. 

The beautiful beers are flowing and dinner has been devoured — along with a fabulous finger dunk into some ketchup by Shay. Let’s see if our daters are ready to eat each other up and possibly boudoir photos in the bathroom …

How was dinner?
We went halfsies on the chicken sandwich and the burger. The chicken was really good, sweet and spicy. 
D: It was good. Fun. A lot of times on dates when the food shows up the conversation stops but we kept it going.

Early impressions of your date?
He seems like a really good awesome dude, good sense of humor. I opened up about a few things.
D: She’s very pretty. Seems like she’s very adventurous, we can kind of relate on that level. 

What are you two talking about?
It’s basically like a job interview, we are hitting each other with a ton of questions so there’s no awkward silence. 
D: Lots of things. How we both moved to Colorado, hobbies, she’s a creative type so we’re kind of all over the place.

On a scale of 1-5, how is the romantic chemistry?
1 to 0 … He has a great personality, but we don’t have romantic sparks.      
D: 3.5 but more of a friendship.

What was something your date shared with that you were excited to hear about?
I told him I did a naked male boudoir photo shoot and he was open to hearing about it.
D: I like her free spirit, she’s very go-with-the-flow and down for whatever. 

Is your blind date someone you’d typically date?
Not date. He’s just not my type, I don’t feel a true connection or spark yet.   
D: No, I usually date athletic girls that look great in baseball hats. 

Is Blue Moon a good date spot?
Great date spot, great lighting, good bar. It’s very spacious in case you need to run and hide from your first date.   
D: If both daters like beer it’s a perfect spot with a diverse menu.  

Does this mean there won’t be a wedding? Is ketchup fingers a sex move Shay was previewing? Did Dylan comment eggplant emoji’s on someone’s Instagram posts when Shay wasn’t looking? So many questions, let’s find out their conclusion answers …

What happened after Rooster left?
Had more conversation. We talked about drugs, CBD, micro-dosing acid.  
D: We chilled for 30 minutes then said our goodbyes and Instagram handles.

Any juicy details we missed? A romantic goodbye kiss, maybe?
Just a really nice hug — bear hug, chest to chest.
D: No kiss but a tight hug happened. I’m not a hugger but it was nice.   

How about a second date?
No second date, maybe a friend outing.  
D: I’d be down to grab a drink again when she’s in the city.  

Overall, how was the night?
Super surprised how well the date went; I was expecting a monster but it was a great night. The romantic chemistry just wasn’t there though. 
D: Better than most dates because it was set up in advance and structured; it was fun to follow along. I’m still thrown off by the ketchup fingers though.

Any advice for future Rooster Blind Daters?
Go in with zero expectations. You’re at least going to meet someone new and maybe come out of it with the love of your life or a new BFF. 
D: Go in with an open mind. Both parties are in the same boat so don’t be nervous.

What’s next?
I’m just going to keep walking up to guys I find attractive and tell them they should model for me. That’s how I’ll meet my husband.
D: My office is trying to get me to audition for The Bachelor, I might do it as a joke. I’m going to enjoy the rest of the Colorado ski season.


Rooster misses another shot at love! At this rate, we can’t even find a seat at the kid’s table or get invited to your dad’s third wedding. We will try again next month. In the meantime, keep eating condiments with your fingers and creeping on your current crushes social media accounts — Rooster will do the same!