… and it's nine times more effective than currently available pharmaceutical options.
A new study in Boulder is using clinical trials to test the effectiveness of MDMA in treating various mental disorders, including PTSD in rape victims and veterans.
… And yes, they’ve already got their test subjects so everybody just settle back down.
Ecstasy, aka ‘Molly’ amongst others, has been a go-to party drug for years; however, a Colorado research teams believes a pure form of the active ingredient (MDMA) can help people suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. That pure-pure, huh?
To test this, researchers had participants undergo MDMA-assisted psychotherapy, which basically involved them laying on a couch wearing eyeshades and listening to music while they rolled like balls down a greased hill. A male and a female therapist sat on either side of the patient for the 8-hour session, administered therapy, and recorded their reactions.
Not exactly the best scene for rolling if you ask us but … there’s definitely a Spotify playlist to fit that mood. We’re still down.
So, what did they find? The FDA-backed study so far indicates “the drug is nine times more effective in treating PTSD than current psychiatric medications, and that results can last for several years.” The force is strong with this one.
Similar studies have taken place in the UK. According to Inquisitor, researchers “tested LSD and other psychedelic drugs in treating a variety of mental disorders, including depression and alcoholism… 75 microgram injections of LSD [were given] to 15 men and five women and monitored their brain activity using functional magnetic resonance imaging.”
The science is just now proving what we’ve known all along. Any other questions, lab coats?
Meanwhile, while Colorado seems to be A-OK with treating PTSD patients with MDMA, they are thoroughly not okay with using marijuana. As Reuters reports, "Colorado health officials on Wednesday rejected a bid by medical marijuana advocates to put cannabis on a list of approved treatments for post-traumatic stress disorder … While Colorado has allowed the use of medical marijuana to treat various ailments since 2001, the state's health board has three times refused to put PTSD on its approved list. A similar proposal failed in the state legislature last year."
So, apparently you can't treat PTSD by getting high on a legal substance … just really, really high on an illegal one.
Makes sense?
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