Ah, young love.

Ah, love. It makes us do some crazy things.

… Things like being glued to the phone on our wedding night, enraging a new spouse to the point of divorce less than 24 hours after the ceremony.

At least that's what happened to one Saudi Arabian woman, who was insta-dumped following the ceremony after she ignored her groom to text with her friends.

“Following the marriage ceremony, the groom took his bride to the hotel where they had booked a room,” a relative said. “However, as soon as the bride was in the room, she kept using her mobile. Her groom tried to get closer with her and become more intimate, but he was shocked when she ignored him, not responding to his words and action. When he asked her about the reasons, she answered she was busy communicating with her friends who were congratulating her on her marriage on the mobile. The groom asked her to delay the messages, but she refused and became angry. When he asked her if her friends were more important than he was, the bride answered that they were,” the relative said, quoted by Saudi daily Al Watan on Tuesday.

His response? "K. Bye."

After refusing to mediate the issue in a "reconciliation committee" (don't know what that is, sorry), he filed for divorce, and that was that.

Isn't that just the sweetest? They seem so perfect for each other.

To be fair, this happened in Saudi Arabia, so it's not  like their names were Mary and Bill and they've been dating since high school and just randomly decided to have a destination wedding in a an oil-rich area … it's completely possible this marriage was arranged, and the blushing bride just wasn't that into him. But even if it wasn't arranged and they were perfectly happy and in love following this incident, texting her friends was, let's be honest, her way of saying "It's not me, it's you."

Maybe he should RedBox this red hot DVD?