Didn't cop tickets? You're pretty screwed.

If you were planning on joining your festi-counterparts this season at the world-renowned Burning Man — good luck getting tickets. You're pretty screwed if you weren't able to secure them when they recently went on sale.

This year's ticket drop went exceptionally quick. All tiers of passes for the long weekend, that begins on Aug 28 and continues through Labor Day, sold out in less than 30 minutes. This includes the $390 individual tickets, $190 low-income tickets and the $1,200 pre-sale tickets (that include no added perks, but guarantees a pass outside of the controversial lottery system).

Tickets are still within a certain grasp, though you'll likely have to cruise Craigslist ads or beg friends of friends to sell theirs. Lots of secondary markets will inevitably have a few, but with high costs attached. To avoid any scams, Burning Man has its own Secure Ticket Exchange Program (STEP) enacted for people to buy and sell tickets safely.

Much like last year and events prior, the 30,000 allotment of weekend passes to the Black Rock Desert were a hot commodity, with attendees ranging anywhere from the old-schooler burners who haven't missed a one yet, to the new-age millennials who want to be a part of the naked, art-driven mayhem. Included in the guest list to the festival last year were apparently a shit-load of bed bugs and undercover FBI agents too — so maybe not copping those passes wasn't such a bad thing after all.

Or you can take the easy route to festival livin' like we tend to do — a live feed of Burning Man is always set up around that time to experience all the fun without the dirt rashes.

cover photo: Jim Urquhart for Reuters