Ever wonder why Japan is so goddamn far ahead of us at being smart and knowing math and not dying? Well, we might have pinpointed the reason, and the reason is their public transportation system, which looks a lot more like a fancy Best Buy than a public transportation.
Ever wonder why Japan is so goddamn far ahead of us at being smart and knowing math and not dying? Well, we might have pinpointed the reason, and the reason is their public transportation system, which looks a lot more like a fancy Best Buy than a public transportation.
This bus makes it so you can work while you're working on your way to work. Those TPS reports aren't going to finish themselves.
These Japanese buses come outfitted with WiFi, desktop computers, whatever Microsoft operating system is the newest, ergonmic chairs to combat the constant swaying of a bus in motion, and possibly, a personal circus ring master with a bullwhip which he'll crack at the slightest sign of non-productivity.
Japanese commuters can spend every waking our of their day getting to know their computer overlords, developing an intimate symbiotic relationship with technology that better prepares them for life in the modern world.
Meanwhile, in India …
Yet still, our tech support questions get sent there.
Oh well, you win again Japan, with your mayonnaise cocktails and tentacle porn. We guess we're content to drive ourselves around this way, here in the motherland … which might describe why we're the least-educated developed country:
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