Relax, it happens …
For many, 2016 is a year they'd soon like to forget. Aside from all the political strife and other rampant issues we've had in this country, the world lost countless celebrities that once shined light amongst the darkness of chaos. What a bummer.
But that doesn't mean that at midnight on New Year's Eve things are going to change. It's a high likelihood people are going to die next year, too, and some of them are going to be celebrities. To put just a tinge of entertainment value in it, we thought long and hard about who we'll be commemorating one of these days in 2017.
Relax, it happens.
He sold his house and has no job. Maybe it's time.
When you're about that life, it isn't going to last long.
At this point, what would prison actually do? Just go away.
This one stings. Long live the Queen!
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