This month we highlighted twelve of our favorite bands and artists in our “Local Music Madness” feature that are making the neatest of sounds and adding their own unique piece to our sonic culture here in Colorado. But we can say all we want about them, and it wouldn’t make any difference to you whether or not you like their style. So here we are, offering you up some of their music.
Here’s what we had to say about the Denver rebel-rock rousers, Wiredogs, in our October 2013 issue of The Rooster Magazine.
After a freak accident as a teenager claimed the picking hand of lead guitarist and vocalist Dan Aid, he fabricated a way to continue playing the instrument he fell in love with as a young child. A guitar pick attached to a wooden rod that’s all tucked in to a sweatband is what he came up with, and what he still uses to strum today.
Formerly known as The Hate, Wiredogs enacted a name change for a better representation of the direction it wants to go. It’s common for musicians to have to make the decision when larger moves are being made, often the result of an overlap with other bands or copyright issues with companies. The act also added Stefan Runstrom, formerly of the acclaimed rock band Tickle Me Pink, on drums, to complete the set.
“The Resistance” is another EP with the iconic mastering help from The Blasting Room, and was funded with a quick Kickstarter project. It raised funds for the band in a mere 20 hours for studio recording time. The EP was released late last month, and was recorded by Chris Fogal at Black in Bluhm Studios; another highly sought after venue in the industry.
*As always, The Rooster asks that you support the artists that you like, and don’t be an awful person by downloading illegally what you should pay for. Contrary to popular belief, musicians are people, and people need to eat and pay their rent – that’s probably too damn high anyways – just like us common folk. Artists work hard to make this world a little less boring, and should be compensated as such.
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