Just because there's THC in your blood, doesn't mean you're an intoxicated endangerment to the children.

No one should drive while inebriated. That's stupid. 

Know what else is stupid? Being charged with a DUI when you're not inebriated.

That's the problem with marijuana DUIs. Even if you're perfectly sober at the time of your arrest, you can have detectable THC in your system; the compound can lurk in your bloodstream for anywhere between a few hours and a few days depending on how often one smokes. Very frequent or daily marijuana users typically have some THC present in their bloodstream, yet they can walk, talk and drive because the small amount of marijuana in their blood does not make them high. This was exemplified by a 2012 experiment proving three different people achieved wildly variable levels of inebriation and impaired driving after smoking the exact same amount of weed.

Different bodies metabolize THC at different rates, meaning that a standardized roadside sobriety test for weed will not accurately determined who is, and who is not inebriated at the time of their arrest. This is very different from alcohol, something that was illustrated in a recent study by the University of Iowa's National Advanced Driving Simulator, which found virtually no driving impairment under the influence of weed, while alcohol caused total impairment in every participant.

Currently, the only way to measure blood THC at a roadside stop is the cannabis breathalyzer, a much maligned, highly inaccurate device that measures THC concentration, not intoxication, something that makes it highly controversial to use.

What does all this mean? Although many drivers are actually high as fuck when pulled over, many aren't, and some Coloradans are being charged with marijuana DUIs in the absence of intoxication. This is such a problem that Colorado juries have been hilariously infuriating prosecutors by refusing to return with guilty verdicts for people charged with stoned driving.

However, police are starting to get the picture. Last year, police arrested fewer drivers for stoned driving than the year before, decreasing their marijuana DUIs from 15 percent of the total DUI count to 13.7 percent.

If that sounds like a paltry number, consider that in 2014, 665 marijuana DUIs were issued, many of which were probably doled out using the bogus roadside sobriety maneuvers listed above. If even 10 less people are subject to that kind of procedure, it's an improvement, especially considering how long it typically takes for police to adapt to changes in technology and public attitude. It also shows that law enforcement is getting smarter, and the people they police are driving more responsibly.

Hopefully in 2016, that number will decline even more with improved technology, and smarter choices by police and the people they protect.

But, even though cops are finally wising up to the fact that the presence of THC in your blood doesn't necessarily mean you're fucked up, there's still every possibility you could be pulled over and charged with a marijuana DUI. Under Colorado's newest DUI laws, drivers are presumed to be under the influence of weed if their blood contains 5 nanograms or more of active THC per milliliter of blood at the time of driving. A nanogram is one-billionth of a gram, so it hardly takes anything for it to be considered a DUI.

Thankfully for you, we compiled a big fat guide on how to avoid a stoned driving arrest … read it here.