Ever wanted to eat like a man who didn't win any Oscars then won an Oscar? Well, now you can.

Ever wanted to eat like a man who didn't win any Oscars then won an Oscar? Well, now you can because a restaurant in Morrison, Colorado is now offering a special "Leonardo DiCaprio" menu to assuage your craving for mildly accomplished meat.

The Fort Restaurant, which specializes in "new foods of the old West," is capitalizing off Leo's recent Oscar win by offering a "rustic" menu of raw bison liver and bone marrow, two favorites amongst fur trappers of the Western fronteir. Yes, the very same ones Leo portrayed in The Revenant! You got it. Gold star for you.

"In honor of Leonardo DiCaprio's win, guests can pair raw bison liver with a variety of bison dishes, including 'prairie butter,' or buffalo bone marrow, which was one of food icon Julia Child's favorite dishes," The Fort said on their Facebook page. Interesting, but yeah!

But hurry in, Leo-tards! The menu is only available until the end of March.

No word yet if they'll also be serving What's Eating Gilbert Grape grapes, oysters on ice from the iceberg that brought the Titanic down or Wolf of Wallstreet wolf sashimi. You'll just have to go and figure it out.