Two girls at once is one thing. Two girls who share a blood supply, heartbeat, and a pancreas…now that's a whole different ballgame. But, if you can't find actual conjoined twins whose nervous systems are irreparably connected to bang, you can just stick two porn stars together at the hip using a prosthetic blob, then make a movie about it called "Conjoined."
Two girls at once is one thing. Two girls who share a blood supply, heartbeat, and a pancreas…now that's a whole different ballgame. Mmm, yeah. We're talking about twins. Conjoined ones.
But, if you can't find actual conjoined twins whose nervous systems are irreparably connected to bang, you can just stick two porn stars together at the hip using a prosthetic blob. One that, in our opinion, could really use a tan. And that, ladies and gents, is what "Conjoined" is. It's a porn about conjoined twins. Who are lesbians. Is your face melting off? TAKE THAT, other porns! Pew-pew-pew-pew.
See what we mean about the tan?
"Conjoined" takes dramatic porn to a whole new level. Never before has there been a full length film about randy conjoined lesbians in the history of porn. Set for release next year, the film features two porn stars whom director B. Skow thinks "look alike," despite one being eight inches taller and (fake) tanner than the other. And although we're concerned he may be going blind, it does have a pretty compelling storyline. See, the twins, they're lesbians.
One is more lesbian than the other, but both like girls, Skow said. They don't have sex with each other. When one is having sex with another person, they will put a sheet over their sister. Still, the other will feel things that her sister is doing.
There's even one scene where the twins are hooking up with a girl, and she switches between the two. Raunch-city.
Skow's inspiration was a pair of conjoined twins he saw on YouTube that got him wondering about the weird interpersonal dynamics and sexual possibilities conjunction would confer, he told the Huffington Post.
Rae, the short one, admitted the story is pretty ridiculous, but she thinks it's "touching" and people will "connect with it." One of the twins also dies at the end. Wait…what? If "Conjoined" isn't poised to win every porn award and then some regular ones, we don't know what is. We can't wait to see what conception-shattering performances "Coinjoined" brings to our Gateway desktop in our parent's basement next year.
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