A very unintentional consequence of Indiana's controversial Religious Freedom Restoration Act may have just made it legal to smoke joints for Jesus. Hooray for dubiously phrased legalese!
Today in unintended consequences of a shitty laws, Indiana lawmakers who recently signed the extremely controversial, anti-gay Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) into action may have also accidentally created a religious exemption for marijuana use in the state. Now, it may just be legal to smoke joints with Jesus.
The RFRA, which has created a national uproar, makes it legal for businesses to refuse service to gay people and other minorities based on their particular religious beliefs or morals. So if you're a gay couple and you walk into a bakery in Indiana, the baker can legally tell you to piss off based on how their religion views your personal practices.
But, in a comical twist of fate, because of the bizarre way the RFRA was worded, and because of lawmakers' haste to allow for protection of personal religious freedom in their state, Indiana has created a legal wormhole in which the state's marijuana laws can be skirted in the name of personal religious beliefs. Yep; the act does a great job of specifying how discrimination can be legally justified, but doesn't do so hot at specifying what practices are excusable or inexcusable in the name of personal religion. LOL, whoops, fail.
This is why Indiana's First Church of Cannabis was able to file paperwork with the Secretary of State to establish itself as a legitimate religious institution in Indiana. Even more laughably, this was done at the same time Governor Mike Pence (R) held a signing ceremony for the divisive RFRA legislation. And, on Saturday, cannabis chruch founder Bill Levin announced that their registration had been approved by the state, making them an official religious instruction protected under RFRA.
Naturally, he is now asking for $4.20 donations from supporters to get his church up and running.
Although weed is still illegal under Indiana law, it's arguable that under RFRA, as long as you can show that reefer is part of your religious practices, you got a pretty good shot of getting off Scott-free if you're prosecuted for using it. Honestly, in a state where discrimination is newly legal, weed is probably the first thing its citizens are going to need to deal, so applauding you, Indiana. Applauding you so hard. Now we're legal weed blood sisters!
What's more, is that the current interpretation of RFRA could also be applied to just about anything that's done or used for religious purposes, not just making weed legal. So, could gay people get married in Indiana because it's part of a religion the state recognizes? Ostensibly, yes.
Indiana political commentator and attorney Abdul-Hakim Shabazz, pointed out that, "Marijuana is less dangerous than alcohol and wine used in religious ceremonies. Marijuana isn’t anymore ‘addictive’ than alcohol and wine is used in some religious ceremonies. And marijuana isn’t any more of a ‘gateway’ drug than the wine used in a religious ceremony will make you go out any buy hard liquor."
"I want a front row seat at the trial that we all know is going to happen when all this goes down," he added. On. Point.
Our opinion? Allowing discrimination excused by religious beliefs is the same thing as allowing discrimination in general. If you don't like how someone operates in their personal life, it's not for you to impose your own beliefs on them and judge them by your own standards, especially not in a legal sense. So, we're pretty glad that the glorious unintentional consequence of legal weed got dropped on Indiana after they pulled that shady bill.
That being said, people's religious beliefs should absolutely be respected … but when it comes to excusing hate based on religion, that seems as un-American as socialized healthcare or a nuclear war threat from North Korea.
Plus, legal weed is fucking awesome, so congratulations Indiana! We'll gladly smoke you out now that you're part of the club.
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