Have you watched local news lately? We mean, really watched it? It's akin to sitting around a film production class in high school having to tiredly endure another 15 minute masterpiece from the stoners about slacklining and its irrefutable health benefits. "B Squad" is about the only way anyone can accurately describe its professional value.
Being in front of the camera for so long can't be an easy task, however. Imagine it if you were being filmed at work while Gina from women's apparel gave you another story about her gluten intolerance. You'd likely get caught flipping out like Doug Fernandez did — an anchor for KOAT channel 7 in Albuquerque New Mexico — when things abruptly went to shit.
As A.V. Club points out though, Fernandez isn't just an asshole being an asshole — he's an accomplished anchorman with high marks under his belt in his storied career. He just said "fuck it" one day like any normal human being would.
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