Jesus walks among us walking on hands instead of water and drinking beer instead of wine …

What is it with you people and throwing things at performers? This is twice now in just as many days the Web has been crawling with viral videos of lead singers acting completely different towards similar scenarios of missiles being chucked their way.

This past weekend at the Pinkpop Festival in the Netherlands, John Coffey frontman David Achter de Molen went crowd walking — as most badass musicians do nowadays — and, by an extreme amount of luck, caught a half-full beer winged at his head and opted to drink the refreshing remains.

… dude, that’s like, so rock and roll it hurts …

And while we’re still on the team of “Throwing shit at performers is a douchey thing to do” — we can’t but revel in the coincidental marksmanship and once-in-a-lifetime catch of this video.

We'll go ahead and be the ones to say it, too: Welcome to the world of copy-cats Mr. de Molen. You're going to have beers thrown at your head for the rest of your musical career — because that's just what people do …

Watch the full video of "Dirt & Stones" right ch'yeaaah …