If she went with more minor Sesame Street characters like Mr. Snuffleupagus instead of Big Bird, she would probably be in office today …
Criminal minds just aren’t what they used to be. Today, a 2015 would-be Denver City Council candidate has the option of turning herself in or being taken into custody after a moment of pure genius that included using the names of actual Sesame Street characters and a bunch of dead people on her official election petition.
In 2015, Corrie Houck was attempting to run for a seat on Denver’s District 2 City Council District. Now after falsifying documents, Houck faces legal ramifications. Turns out you can’t do the democracy by fabricating fictional votes, even though that’s now our nation’s squirrely little 43rd President George Bush got elected.
According to the Gateway Pundit (GP), the signatures of Sesame Street characters: Big Bird, Bert and Ernie were specifically listed on Houck’s official petition. The signatures of at least three dead individuals were also used. Over half of the signatures listed did not match the signatures on files for listed voters, according to the report, meaning people were either signing the petition the way they would sign a receipt at 7-Eleven at 2 a.m. or these signatures were also falsified.
Per election criteria, Houck needed 100 signatures minimum and never appeared on the voting ballot.
Well, as the saying goes, “If you can’t beat ‘em, forge documents conspicuously with the signatures of local corpses and world renowned Muppets and inevitably fail to join ‘em …”
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