You know you live in Denver when a "hydroponic UV system" is included in your lease.

Have you ever tried to grow weed? If you have, chances you are you know it's a lot more involved than sporadically watering some indoor plants during Maury commercial breaks.

If you want a healthy, competitive product, you need a specialized grow space that offers ventilation, temperature control, lighting, a water supply and even surveillance. Heck, you might even have to saw a hole or 14 in your walls to run piping through, and install floor drains so your grow room doesn't turn into a baby lake when you water your babies.

All of these thing are necessary for legitimate indoor grows, but they're also unauthorized, eviction-worthy renovations we're guessing your landlord won't be very happy that you made. Especially since you insisted on painting the walls black so it would "look like your soul got out."

That's why Rich Green started Housing Guru, a company that connects people who want to grow weed legally with landlords who will let them do so. It's kinda like the Craiglist housing section for people who want to fill their house with weed.

Housing Guru plays the role property manager, checking in on the property, making repairs and taking care of any issues that arise so you can focus more on growing and less on arguing with your landlord over your insanely high electricity bill.

But not just any small-time grower is worthy of Housing Guru's tender loving; the company vets prospective tenants before working with them to ensure they have a verifiable stream of income, references that check out, and good rental and property histories. The company also runs a background check to see if tenants have any prior convictions that would suggest they'd be bad news.

But although marijuana property management seems rather insignificant on the large scale, the services that Housing Guru offers are actually beyond important in Colorado's rental landscape right now. Thanks to legalization laws that state we can grow six or more recreational plants and up to 99 medical ones in our homes, everyone wants in on the game. This means demand for rentals where pot can be legally grown is skyrocketing, but space is dwindling and outrageously expensive. Unsurprisingly, this can create some tenant-landlord drama.

Green told the Denver Post he's heard complaints from tenants about landlords who kept their deposits, saying the grows violated terms of their leases, or who changed locks to keep them out of the homes. Some have demanded a cut of any profit on the plants, despite the fact that the law doesn't allow sales of marijuana grown for private use in a home.

Unsurprisingly, landlords are hesitant to rent to even the most upstanding tenant who wants to grow cannabis "because they have heard the horror stories," Green said. Housing Guru offers a solution to these problems, one that we're likely to see more of in the future as smart landlords realize they can capitalize on people's amateur grow aspirations. After all, tenants are willing to pay higher than market-rate rents to have a home where they can grow with the landlord's knowledge. Plus, as Denver landlord Dan Fortune observed, tenants who are engaged in activity that people frown up are typically quieter and cleaner than the average renter, and there's less turnover than usual. A very low-risk profile indeed.

Definitely something to consider if you've just drained a nearby lake and blasted out a supporting wall in your basement to expand your output …