Are you sitting down? That's good, because we have some good news and some bad news. The good news is that Denver might be getting its very own cat cafe, where visitors can drink coffee, eat pastries, and read books while swarms of furry beasts lurk adorably around them. The bad news is that there is no bad news. It's a f*cking cat cafe.
Are you sitting down? That's good, because we have some good news and some bad news. The good news is that Denver might be getting its very own cat cafe, where visitors can drink coffee, eat pastries, and read books while swarms of furry beasts lurk adorably around them. The bad news is that there is no bad news. It's a f*cking cat cafe.
The place is called the Denver Cat Company, and they want to provide more resources for cats and cat lovers in Denver with their unique business plan. Believing that "Denver is ready for something like this, " the company's owners say Denver is the perfect place for a cat restaurant because it's "quirky enough, open-minded enough, urban enough, and hip enough, on the level of cities like San Diego and Oakland."
"And," they added, "we have a better chance of opening a cat cafe before San Francisco, because Denver is one of the top places in the country to open a new business." We're sure that has nothing to do with the fact that people in Denver are high enough to start a business based around touching soft, warm things while drinking soft, warm things. Nope!
They plan to open up either on Colfax or South Broadway. Either way, we're sure they'll be in walking distance of a dispensary, #notacoincidence.
The Denver Cat Company is being financed by a Crowdfunding Campaign, and has yet to reach its goal of $50,000. So far, it's at $5,245 with two days left in the campaign. Those aren't exactly winning numbers, but we hope the prospect of getting cat hair in your coffee will sweeten the deal and convince you to donate. Oh, and speaking of, you can get excited and contribute, but you can't pack your own feline and bring it in. The cafe has a rotating cast of adoptable kitties that you can cuddle with and repeatedly push off your iPad so you can branch out and expand your cat horizon beyond the tiny embrace of your own Mr. Whiskers.
And just so you know, Denver's a magical playground full of fantasy and wonder, but it's not the only place where you can grab a cappuccino and cuddle a cat in one fell swoop. The cat cafe trend started in 1998 in Tokyo, and has since expanded to other states like New York and California. So if you find yourself secretly wishing a cat came with your latte, don't worry, you're not alone. You're just covered in pet dander.
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