Well, that's one way to teach sex-ed … Experiential learning is the best.

Back when we were kids, middle school teachers were either pudgy Midwestern blonde women with spicy Latin husbands or Korean war veterans taking out their PTSD on the physical fitness of 13 year olds in gym class.

We never had a cool teacher like Quentin Wright. Quentin, 25, is a teacher at a Georgia middle school … or at least he was before he was recently busted for letting his students have sex with each other in his class room.

Allegedly, Quentin was really chill and understanding about his student's burgeoning sexualities. So chill, in fact, that he'd habitually let his students know when his classroom would be empty so they could go in there and do all the things they learned not to do in health class.  He also supplied them with condoms, so they wouldn't make the same mistake his mother did. 

Well … at least he's teaching safe sex?

The mother of one of these students found about the arrangement when she discovered some text messages from Quentin on her son’s phone.

“Basically he’s allowing the students to have sex in a storage room in his classroom,” she told WRBL. “He told my son you can have it from seven thirty to like eight thirty. Did you tell the girl what’ s going to happen, that she cannot tell anybody, basically don’t tell anyone I’m allowing you to use my room.”

The mom added that she already thought Quentin was a weirdo because he called her to ask if he could come to her house to take photos with the kids before the eighth grade prom. Naturally, she was like "hell naw."

Something's still nagging at us about this though … Eighth-grade prom? Sex in closets? Condoms? We were never privy to any of these adolescent luxuries. We had to fuck in Toyota Corollas, bareback without anyone's guidance except for Ron Jeremy's (that's right Dad, you thought you put away your VHS tapes but you thought wrong). Times were hard.

Flash back to the present … Quentin got fired! Surprise! No more Coolest/Worst Teacher Evar status. He's been charged with four counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor … but we hear they have storage closets in prison so maybe there's a future for him yet.