Dumb Starbucks has the exact same menu as Starbucks, except everything has the word "dumb" in front of it. So, you can't have a caramel macchiato…but want a dumb caramel macchiato? You got it, buster.

Nowadays, if it seems like there's a Starbucks on every corner, it's because there is. That's why we almost spat out our vanilla frappuccinos in excitement when we heard a new take on the Starbucks concept popped up over the weekend. It's called "Dumb Starbucks," and it just opened in LA. Because The only thing better in your mediocre coffee than two sugars and a splash of cream is a heaping dollop of fresh cynicism. Yum to the extreme!

Dumb Starbucks has the exact same menu as Starbucks, except everything has the word "dumb" in front of it. So, you can't have a caramel macchiato…but want a dumb caramel macchiato? You got it, buster.

Even the store design, logo, and pastries are the same as Starbucks. Except, we're getting reports that the pastries are free, which is just the dumb icing on the dumb cake.

We know what you're doing right now. You're sitting there, just positively squirming in your bean bag chair, thinking, "But isn't that copyright infringement? How are they not getting sued by Starbucks right this second, as we speak?" Well, thank you for your insightful question, young boy and/or girl aged 18-35. Here are the answers you crave, based on Dumb Starbuck's thoroughly hilarious FAQ: