But seriously, fuck these developers and 'revitalizers' — vultures …
Some factions in Colorado aren't officially fighting against pot, but they sure do think everyone else is falling for their well-worded bullshit to try and get what they want.
It goes like this:
The state doesn't want private marijuana clubs — even though it has thousands of bars and restaurants where alcohol is served. Ok.
It doesn't want public consumption of pot — even though there are plenty of places to openly drink any day of the week. Fine.
It wants to tax businesses a proverbial shit-load — even though they're no different than many other private operations. Sigh.
It won't allow for weed specific conventions — even though there are twenty-five beer fests going on at any given time throughout the summer. Jesus.
But as the Denver Post reports, for the first time in legal weed's history, a grow operation may lose its license because of "how it smells" — even though it sits in the midst of one of the most disgusting parts of town.
Starbuds, located at 4690 Brighton Blvd. (exactly 0.6 miles from the infamous Purina Dog Food Factory and a few blocks from the National Western Complex, Oil Refinery and Waste Management), currently has a formal recommendation lodged against it by hearing officer Suzanne A. Fasing for a non-renewal of its license. If accepted, Starbuds — a comparatively small grow operation at only 240 plants — will have to find somewhere else to operate.
Basically, what the 17-page report says (and of course, we're paraphrasing here to avoid using legalese that's in place just to confuse people), is that the neighborhood is trying to 'change its image,' and having a business that a few people don't agree with is getting in the way of that.
The building, says Starbuds owner Brian Ruden, sat vacant for many years prior until his company moved in, yet won't be considered as a part of the neighborhood's goal to probably let rich people kick out poor people, or whatever they plan to do with it.
Also, neighboring families claim the building stinks, an issue Starbuds' attorney Jim C. McTurnan says the grow-house is willing to reasonably rectify given new stink standards the city is wanting to enforce.
What leverage! To use the inhabitants of an 'undesirable' part of town to complain of the noxious smells emitted from one small operation and get it kicked out, while completely ignoring the massive industrial complexes surrounding it — to 'revitalize' an area, and then kick those same families from their homes when wealthy people want to move in. Brilliant!
But seriously, fuck these developers and the self-proclaimed 'revitalizers' — vultures …
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