Whether you like it or not: Friday is the new day to buy new music, and that's final. 

Are you in the habit of checking music charts for new releases every Tuesday — as it has been in America for at least 60 years? Well then, tough titties. Because you’re now going to be getting music on Fridays — and that’s final.

The lengthily named International Federation Of The Phonographic Industry (IFPI) announced last week that in an effort to globalize release dates and to hopefully combat online piracy — amongst other things — every country in the world (or at least under the IFPI) will use Fridays as the new album release date.

The move is also intended to cattle-prod album sales, as research shows consumer activity — both online and in actual stores — is the highest on Fridays and Saturdays.

Moving the date isn’t immediate, but will begin sometime this summer.

"Music fans live in the digital world of today," writes IFPI head Frances Moore in a statement. "Their love for new music doesn't recognise national borders. They want music when it's available on the internet — not when it's ready to be released in their country. An aligned global release day puts an end to the frustration of not being able to access releases in their country when the music is available in another country."

But something as easy as switching around a release date should be without criticism and backlash, right? Of course not, it’s 2015; you remember …

Rich Bengloff, head of the American Association of Independent Music, says he supports the venture, but doesn’t like it because it’s not what he wanted, and boo hoo and whatever else.

"A2IM supports the concept of a global street date, but for a variety of business reasons as spelled out in our previous comments, there are a number of business hurdles that make Fridays less optimal for the United States marketplace, and independents in particular,” he told one news outlet. “That said, as part of the worldwide music community, A2IM will endeavor to make the transition as smooth as possible for our members and our commerce partners and a success for our artists' fans."

But the IFPI represents over 1300 labels around the world, so its apparent whatever it says goes.

We’re just a little saddened by the Friday date, though, because now we’ll have to memorize the latest club bangers mere hours before mobbing deep downtown, and not have the entire week to choreographic sick floor moves. It’s now our burden to bear …