Watch Adventure Club, Big Grams and Half Color bring down the rocks …
OFFICIAL RECAP-Icelantic's Winter on the Rocks 2016-Feat. Adve…
Here's a little something to get you through your case of the "Monday's"!!! #iWOTR 2016 was nothing short of amazing. Thank you to everyone who came together to awaken Red Rocks Park and Amphitheater in the middle of the winter. We can't wait to see all of your beautiful faces next January.
Posted by Icelantic's Winter on the Rocks on Monday, March 7, 2016
Generally it's only in the warmer months we get to experience the wonder of the world that is Red Rocks. But for the past 4 years, Icelantic Skis and its team has gambled in ways no other promotions company will. It's chosen to host its "Winter on the Rocks" series in the dead of winter. That is, at a time where it's supposed to be butt-ass cold with a high chance of snow. But even when it does snow, the brand and its supporters turn the venue into nothing short of a memorable experience. This year Adventure Club, Big Grams, Half Color and a surprise fashion show brought down the house in a fantastic fashion.
Relive the night through the lenses of Icelantic Skis. Until next year …
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