You're gonna wanna see this …


Rae Rae, J-blo, Jablony, Jablonski

Favorite vegetable?

So, why so many skulls?
I drew one out of defiance for a professor who told me skulls were cliché. And then all my clients thought I was the ‘skull girl’ and kept asking me to draw them. So I kept drawing them.

When did you begin wanting to be an artist?
After seeing my big brother draw something cool and wanting to be cool.

What are a few strange things you draw inspiration from?
Donnie Darko, Victorian houses, kitsch, pop culture, bearded men, symmetry, reoccurring dreams.

Did you get much support while you were younger as far as art was concerned?
None. People were like, ‘stop drawing Rachel, nobody likes it’ (jk I got a ton of support).

Kim and Kanye, are you a fan?
… as much as the next person

Do you think schools do enough of a job to teach kids the value of art?
I don’t know about schools in general, but I think teachers who are passionate about art and its value (i.e., have a soul) generally want to get other people excited about it and we can always use more of those passionate people in schools.

What's the best advice you've ever gotten?
“If you work really hard, and you're kind, amazing things will happen.” Conan O'Brien said that.

What's your advice to aspiring artists?
Don't do the work people tell you you should do. The work that you make for yourself will turn out so much better and come across as more genuine than work you think you should do to make other people happy. Don't think so much about how people will react to your work.

Shameless plugs:
I'm at my studio at Helikon Gallery in RiNo every First Friday, so come say ‘hey!’ I also have a show up at Cooper + Dash in LoDo through April 8th.
Facebook: Rachel Jablonski Illustration
Instagram: @rjablonskiart