Juackuamole: noun – 1. a reportedly delicious guacamole recipe penned by Jack White that's so secret it doesn't even exist.

In one of the most heart-wrenching and tragic stories of the past couple of months, the University of Oklahoma’s college newspaper revealed Jack White’s private tour rider, which includes demands of there being no “bananas anywhere in the building” and contains a secret guacamole recipe tailored to Mr. White’s liking. Unfortunately for the clueless OU reporter, White says he had nothing to do with the demands and most of the extravagant orders were made in jest by his management team.

In an open letter to “journalists and other people looking for drama or a diva,” White explains he owns no secret recipes and that he’s disappointed in the writer, but doesn’t hold it against her. Ouch… thanks, Dad. He also asks that guac-gate be closed henceforth, and we’re never to speak of it again!

Fun Fact: The following video for Jack White's "Would You Fight For My Love" was filmed in Downtown Denver at Mario's Double Daughters Salotto on 16th and Market St.

Cover Photo: AskMen.com