Wandering through life wondering where to cut corners and gain a few extra moments to get required errands ran and tasks managed? Wish no more, because the answer to such a problem exists and it happens this summer.

Wandering through life wondering where to cut corners and gain a few extra moments to get required errands ran and tasks managed? Wish no more, because the answer to such a problem exists and it happens this summer.

On June 30, dials will read 11:59:60 as clocks run an extra second longer allowing the Earth’s rotation to sync with Atomic Time. While Atomic Time is a constant, the Earth’s rotation is gradually slowing by about two thousandths of a second per day, which is why the added blip is needed.

Sit still for a moment. Feel that light force against your groin? It isn’t indigestion at all. We’re slowing down. Trippy, right? Whoaaa, man.

The added time given to us by the Paris-based International Earth Rotation Service is a necessary endeavor, and one which began in 1972 when the leap second was first added. It happens once every year-and-a-half or so and this time around will be the 26th added second in history.

"They add an extra second to something called UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) in order to make sure the rate of UTC is the same as atomic time," Nick Stamatakos, the chief of Earth Orientation Parameters at the U.S. Naval Observatory, tells The Telegraph.

Of course, much like everything else in this world, the bonus-second isn’t without controversy. Gozmodo reports that in 2012, Internet-based companies who rely on precision were thrown off. Sites such as Mozilla, Reddit, Foursquare, Yelp, LinkedIn and StumbleUpon all reported crashes as a result.

We just went and checked … they all seem to be doing just fine right now. It appears each of them eventually got over it one way or another.

Google was apparently one of the few sites who didn’t have any problems because of a thing called “pre-planning.” The behemoth, life-altering juggernaut of existence inserted milliseconds into their systems’ clocks, which they call a “Leap Smear,” in anticipation.

So what will we be doing with our extra second of summer? These:

  • One extra sneeze
  • A short burst of fantasy about our 8th grade Social Studies teacher. S’up Ms. Dub?
  • Extra time for ejaculation
  • Hell, on that note, one more bout of foreplay?
  • Insulting someone else’s short-brimmed hat
  • An extra long puppy hug’n’snuggles
  • Pretend to want to think about going to the gym
  • Revel in the innocence of non-natives
  • Outsource. Always outsource.
  • Smile. It confuses everyone.