Kids these days. Why waste time with the old-fashion prank supplies like toilet paper, saran wrap and shaving cream when you can jump right into the good stuff, semen? An 18-year-old student in Michigan felt the same way when he pranked his fellow classmates by filling a bottle of "Ice Drops" mouthwash with his own personal baby batter and then passed it out to them. 

Jordan Drake only wanted to share his happiness when a student discovered that the mouthwash was tainted and reported it to police — how the student knew that they ingested semen is anyone's guess. "Adulterating" a food item is a felony violation. Drake later pleaded guilty to the charges and was sentenced to 18 months of probation. 

Sadly, along with Drake's future spawn, he also blew his prized scholarship to Michigan State University, his internship at Dow Jones Chemical and his multiple science fair and quiz bowl awards while attending Saginaw Arts & Sciences Academy. 

But what would possess an honor student with a bright future to fill a bottle of breathe mint drops with his own brand of mouthwash?  

“I am surprised, really, for someone to think of something like that. I’m just amazed as some of the things these teenagers think of to pull as a prank," said one parent reflecting on the prank after graduation. 

So are we. But what's even more surprising is that Drake is only 18-years-old. His mug shot says otherwise.  

Our question for our readers is this: which prank is worse, handing out mouthwash containing semen or handing out pot brownies to unsuspecting students as was the case in December when two CU students handed homemade pot brownies to classmates which resulted in two students and a teacher going to the hospital?