Red Rocks will be adopting some new noise regulations and event end times following a series of complaints from the good people of Morrison, where the amphitheater is located.

SHH. Red Rocks will be adopting some new noise regulations and event end times following a series of complaints from the good people of Morrison, where the amphitheater is located.

The complaints stem mainly from the rise of EDM acts at the venue, which are hell of a loud louder and more grating than Red Rock's more traditional acts. Apparently, the virgin ears of Morrison just can't handle the drop.

The new rules pertain to sound pressure, bass levels and performance end times. One rule dictates that sound levels may not exceed 105 decibels for one-minute averages after midnight on weekdays and 1 a.m. on weekends and holidays. That's about the same loudness as a motorcycle or power lawnmower from three feet away. That's not that loud, you guys.

Performers could be charged $10,000 for every five times, consecutive or not, that the one-minute decibel limit is exceeded in a given performance. What is this, the North Korea of noise?

However, some EDM artists like Michal Menert see the changes as constructive. "If anything, this is going to bring more dynamic out in the music because it will allow more frequencies to breathe,” he said. “It will be less in-your-face sound coming at you and more dynamic.” What a Positive Polly!

So there you have it. Instead of earplugs, you're going to have to wear hearing aids to see your favorite EDM acts at the Rocks. But hey, just look at it as training for later in life when you've all but blown out your eardrums listening to whomp-whomp.