A whopping 9/10 doctors agree that vaginas should not be steeped in acid … the 10th was this guy. "My bad" doesn't even begin to cover it …

As if going to the gynecologist wasn’t bad enough, an Australian woman is recovering after a botched basic gynecological procedure left 80 percent of her vagina burned.

According to the Herald, “a 21-year-old woman had a three-month recovery after she went to the doctor for an abnormal pap smear and was badly burned.” The report continues to state: “the woman went in for a colposcopy that used acetic acid that should have been diluted to 5 percent but was instead 100 percent concentration.”

Is anyone else crossing their legs?

After experiencing horrific pain that she “thought was part of the procedure,” seeing as she was in the care of health professionals, the woman was sent home where the burning only increased in intensity.

“I wasn’t allowed to walk anywhere. I couldn’t sit down because it hurt so badly,” stated the victim.

Three days later the clinic who performed the procedure, sent her an apology letter and a pathetic $50 gas gift card for her “travel expenses.” Playing devil’s advocate here, but the Hallmark section technically doesn’t have a card for that one …

“Please accept the enclosed voucher to cover your travel costs relating to your readmission to the clinic,” the company’s directors noted.

Too bad the poor woman DOESN'T EVEN HAVE A CAR. Even if she did, she couldn't even sit down to drive it. Even if she could sit down, we're pretty sure a full tank of gas doesn't really equate to a lifetime of genital mutilation. Gas is expensive, but not that expensive. She called the letter and the gas card a "slap in the face."

The clinic claims to be self-investigating the cause of the error, as well as reviewing their “dispensing procedures and checking systems relating to the supply of items to the clinic to prevent future errors.”

"Future errors" meaning "all tomorrow’s scorched vaginas," no doubt.

The woman had to have several operations to correct the procedure. For the next several months she had to visit the hospital for treatment for severe burns, spending an estimated $1500-$2000 on further medical bills.

Damn. If she wanted gynecology that amateur, she could have just come to us.

The woman is now seeking compensation for her medical bills. If the lady who had her uterus wrongly removed sued for $142K, this poor, young lady should have some serious deserved cash coming her way.

Moral of the story? Please make sure your gynecologist isn't Freddy Krueger. Be safe out there.