In the most brilliant manipulation of the government we ever did see, Swedish hombre Roger Tullgren has convinced his country's higher-ups to dole out monthly disability benefits to him because his "heavy metal obsession is an addiction that yields him unable to work."

In the most brilliant manipulation of the government we ever did see, Swedish hombre Roger Tullgren has convinced his country's higher-ups to dole out monthly disability benefits to him because his "heavy metal obsession is an addiction that yields him unable to work."

… In other news, we think we just found our spirit animal.

Ever since the forty-two year-old's heavy metal obsession received "addiction" clearance by medical personnel, he's been able to live off the man, earning disability benefits every month that supplement his income so he can deal with his incapacitating fandom by attending shows.

Roger consulted with a number of doctors about his condition,  who all vehemently agreed that he was not fit for the workforce and was eligible for government assistance since his heavy metal love affair yielded him unable to hold down a full time job.

"I have been trying for 10 years to get this classified as a handicap," he said, as his tattoos and long black hair glistened in the moonlight.  "I spoke to three psychologists and they finally agreed that I needed this to avoid being discriminated against."

Because he attends over 300 metal shows a year, he's currently holding down a menial part time job as a dishwasher, but is unable to work elsewhere because it would interfere with his metal schedule. 

His new boss at the dishwashing gig is pretty cool about it though; he reportedly lets Roger wear what he wants to work and gives him time off for gigs. He even lets him blast Metallica as he works. Gosh, Dad, why can't you be more like him?

"I signed a form saying: 'Roger feels compelled to show his heavy metal style. This puts him in a difficult situation on the labor market. Therefore he needs extra financial help," said the cool boss who possesses an unparalleled empathy and understanding for all of God's creatures.

"Now I can turn up at a job interview dressed in my normal clothes and just hand the interviewers this piece of paper," rejoiced Roger at his disability victory, no doubt on his way to celebrate by shredding bass at the top of an icy cool mountain in a lightning storm.

Meanwhile on this side of the globe, we're hoping Colorado's government will be down to split the rent with us after we tell them about our addiction to not working …