"A name is the least important part of your personality," Bacon Double Cheeseburger says.

Last year more than 85,000 Brits changed their names to something more personally appealing. While some of them were for obvious reasons (don't like it, escaping an abusive relationship, hiding from your past), a few opted to not give a fuck and get hilarious with it. 

Considering it only costs about $47 US dollars to change one's name in the UK, it's not surprising then that names like "Happy Birthday" or "Mr. and Mrs. Amazing" have appeared at one point or another, according to Louise Bowers of the UK Deed Poll Service. But the best of them all from 2015? — "Bacon Double Cheeseburger" (seen above).

Formerly Simon Smith, the 33-year-old man chose what popped into his head first, and since he had just eaten lunch at Burger King, he had no other choice, NO OTHER CHOICE, but to name himself after the meal he just consumed. 

"A name is the least important part of your personality," Bacon Double Cheeseburger tells The Sunday People. "It’s given to you by someone else." 

His fiancée, however, refuses to become "Mrs. Cheeseburger" — an act proving she's clearly no ride or die chick. If you can't love a man at his Smith, you don't deserve him at his Cheeseburger.