Oh, you're sober, are you? That's too bad. That means you can't play crowd-sourced truth or dare or find out where the wildest parties are with the world's bro-iest app, Livr, which you can only access if you're partying. Go beer bong some Miller Lights and get back to us when you're fun.

Oh, you're sober, are you? That's too bad. That means you can't play crowd-sourced truth or dare or find out where the wildest parties are with the world's bro-iest app, Livr, which you can only access if you're partying, brah. 

Livr is a new social media app that's accessed through a Breathalyzer.  It reads your BAC, and if you meet its inebriation standards, then just like a frat, you're in. But if you're taking it easy and just 'having a drink or two before driving home to feed your iguanas,' then no fun for you. "It's like a biometric bouncer at the door," explains appropriately-named Livr founder Kyle Addison.

Once the app accepts you in all your beer-breathed glory, the debauchery begins. The Livr team has developed a few key features specially designed to entertain people who've been drinking, like a crowd-sourced truth or dare game, random drunk-dial thing, live map of party hot-spots, bar specials, and a "mom-free" social interface. No parents, no rules!

Livr even has a 'blackout' button that erases all evidence of what you did that evening (… or morning? We don't know you).

The beauty of the blackout button, Kyle explains, is that it "encourages Livr users to 'go nuts,' have a 'real good time'." Because when you don't have to relive the shameful memories of  peeing on a hobo in an alley and having sex with a burrito in the morning, you can truly be yourself.

Here's a moving picture that describes everything we just said, but prettier.