You read that right. In 2017, my husband received at least 365 blowjobs (more than one blowjob a day sometimes).
My intent was complex. I wanted to make him happy and satisfied, sure. He enjoys recieving blowjobs, like 73 percent of men do according to this study. And I enjoy giving them, unlike 72 percent of women don't according to the same study.
But one of the primary reasons I did this this is because I want to be the best at giving blowjobs.
I have a slight perfectionist problem.
And in my opinion, my first blowjob sucked (and although my husband won't say so, probably quite a few after that) — but not in the good way.
"The first was cute and you were all shy and nervous,” my husband insists (although he's likely just being nice because he has to live with me).
Admittedly, I knew what a blowjob was the first time he asked for one, but I didn’t know how to actually do it. And the result was a cringe-worthy, barely going beyond the tip sort of thing where I was more than a little embarrassed. I was afraid I was doing it wrong.
I had gotten slightly better since then, but not good enough. Not for me.
So I wanted to get better. But not just better; I wanted to figure out how to do it perfectly.
Inspired by this article written by Meg Connely and this article from HuffPo — which suggest having sex daily or doing some kind of intimate act daily — I decided "everyday" was a good amount and a "year" seemed like enough time to perfect a new skill.
“I was really excited when you suggested it," my husband says. "But it’s hard to think actual thoughts when you say, 'Hey, I’m going to give you a blowjob every day for a year, okay?' — you know? I was even more excited when you did it.”
People who know me don’t know about my blowjob endeavor. But they do know I am stubborn and a determined person, so it wouldn't surprise anyone knowing I followed through.
But not only did I follow through, I pretty damn well succeeded.
I researched. Extensively. Because at my very core, I am actually a nerd.
I looked up r/Cumsluts and other videos of real women giving real men (or as real as Internet amatuer porn can be) oral sex.
I read magazine articles online, and Googled the topic extensively using my incognito browser, reading any article that popped up.
Then I practiced.
I tried different techniques and asked for his input. I was methodical about the way I moved my tongue, the pace I used, how much I used my hands and how.
I read articles about deep throating and came up with my own way of practicing (fun fact, I started practicing with a peeled banana, and once I’d mastered that, I moved on to a cucumber).
“I thought it was super sexy that you even wanted to," my husband admits. "It just kind of made me look at you in this different way. It made me — I don’t want to say love you more — but it was sexy and really great that you wanted to get better and practice because it was something I really liked."
And even though I started off enjoying blowjobs, the more I did it, the more I enjoyed it. It started to turn me on even more. It was empowering and sexy to be able to make my husband feel that much pleasure. It was fun.
It usually lead to sex. Really good sex.
A friend I confided in shared that she likes giving blowjobs, too, but she thought that “every day is just too much. It would feel, I don’t know, like an obligation.”
That was something I was aware of when I started. I didn’t want it to be something on my to do list between laundry and dishes.
So, I made sure to mix things up regularly. Sex in places is kind of a thing for me. So I gave him blowjobs in the Target dressing room, in a car, in the bathroom at his work on his lunch break … a lot of places.
And I tried every position — hanging head down over the side of the bed, me on top, him on top, kneeling …
There was enough variety to keep it from becoming humdrum. I’m creative, but I didn’t even need to be. The Internet is obsessed with sex and full of good ideas.
Just the act of doing something physical, and sexual and intimate for my husband every day, made me a better wife. I thought about him first during that time, and focused on his pleasure and feelings.
And my husband shared that he thought it made our relationship better.
“I appreciated you much more. And I thought you were a lot sexier,” he adds.
I acquired a deeper appreciation for my husband (sorry for the pun). He appreciated me as well. It worked for us.
Yet even though over two-thirds of heterosexuals report blowjobs being part of their sexual encounters, blowjobs for a year might not be for everyone.
But putting your partner first and working to improve should be.
Also, if I do say so myself, I now have a great skill, even if I can’t put on my resumes. I give one hell of a great blowjob.
“Hell, yeah,” my husband agrees with a smirk, “you give the best blowjobs.”
It's why I’m afraid to go back to a certain Target, too, because security caught me coming out of that dressing room after a not so quiet practice session.
I liked your story and am amazed that you did not start sucking other cocks.