A new study reveals that intelligent people are happier when they're lone-wolfing it.
Do you spend the weekends drinking mimosas at an elongated brunch with five of your best friends before heading to the park to chill prior to the house party you're having later?
If so, you might be dumb as hell.
This is according to a new study by evolutionary psychologists Satoshia Kanazawa and Norma Li, who found that the desire to isolate yourself from your peers is directly correlated to bigger smart-telligence … something we clearly don't have because we have like 592 Facebook friends.
Their data vouches for the higher genius level of loners, finding that while most people become happier in the presence of others, "extremely intelligent" people are actually happier when they don't spend time with their friends.
From the study's abstract: "More intelligent individuals experience lower life satisfaction with more frequent socialization with friends." God damn it. We're idiots then.
Kanazawa and Li offered an evolutionary theory as to why this could be. Dubbed the "savannah theory of happiness," it theorizes that the "hunter-gatherer lifestyles of our ancient ancestors form the foundation for what make us happy now." In this context, that means intelligent people can deal with prehistoric challenges better on their own, whereas less intelligent people probably needed a friend or twelve to help them survive all the saber-tooths and asteroids. Thus, relationships for smart people may be less important.
But, don't feel too bad about yourself if you love your friends too much to be a smart guy. Ann Clarkson, director of marketing for the UK Mensa tells Broadly, "Very intelligent people can sometimes feel isolated from those around them just because they think and see the world differently. Finding someone else who processes information as you do can be difficult if your brain works the same as only two percent of the population." Two percent, of course, is the percentage of the general muggle population Mensa recruits to join their their cult of masterminds.
So, although intelligent people are … intelligent, their intelligence may also serve to isolate them. And depending on the person, that can either be 🙂 or 🙁 (sorry, we have like, so many friends).
That's why it's important to recognize that there are many definitions of intelligence, and currently, the psychological community hasn't settled on just one.
In an interview with Broadly, Dr. Robert Sternberg, professor of human development at Cornell University specializing in intelligence and relationships says, "There is no psychological meaning to the word 'highly intelligent.'" There are many conflicting opinions on what high intelligence means, and just how many different "kinds" of intelligence there are.
"In my own theory of successful intelligence, I distinguish among analytical intelligence (IQ), creative intelligence, and practical intelligence (common sense)," he says. "High IQ does not guarantee either of the latter two. Our schooling so rewards kids with high IQ that those kids have little incentive to develop high social/emotional/practical intelligence, with unfortunate results."
He also echoed Clarkson's belief that highly intelligent people need fewer friends because they are "exceptional and likely to be brought down by those around them," such as when smart students prefer to work alone than in a groups who they feel hold them up. But, as he explains, "It's not always the smartest kid (or adult) in a group who prevails (compare with our current Republican primaries), so the intelligent person may be forced to accept the direction set by the less intelligent people. Moreover, the highly intelligent person may be just too busy with career to spend the time talking extensively with friends."
"High (academic) intelligence is only poorly correlated with social, emotional, and practical intelligence," he continues. "Ironically, the smart person who does not want to interact with others may be the person who most needs to interact with others to succeed in life. There are just so many high-IQ people who can't translate that IQ into worldly success, or who do so in ways that are less than fully productive."
If there were ever a real life example to support the findings of this theory, it's this, little two-word concept: Spring Break.
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