Jennifer Lopez did such a great job being covered in lube for her ‘Booty’ video with Iggy Azalea, that now the makers of lube themselves want her to sponsor their own line of personal masturbaton gel.

Jennifer Lopez did such a great job being covered in lube for her ‘Booty’ video with Iggy Azalea, that now the makers of lube themselves want her to sponsor their own line of personal masturbaton gel.

Apparently, lube company Doc Johnson thought that since she looked like she had covered herself in lube obtained from her own personal stash, she would make a great candidate to endorse their product. She’s being ever-so-generously offered a year’s worth of free lube in exchange for her services, which Jennifer Lopez, infamous singer and actress, surely prefered over cash. We’re guessing a “year’s worth” is roughly equivalent to two oceans, given the amount of clear, silicone-based fluid that appeared in her video.

But just one question remains; what will the new product be called? J-Lube? Booty-Juice? Just Jenny From the Block Anti-Friction Cock Gel?

Also, just so you guys know, Jennifer Lopez is 45.