A Judge has ordered a Colorado company to pay an additional $8,000 in fines after they attempted to pay a $23,500 settlement using a box of coins that weighed more than three tons.

According to an article from the Associated Press, “Judge Joseph Findley ruled that JMF Enterprises ‘acted maliciously and in bad faith’ by delivering a custom made metal box containing the coins that was too heavy to be carried in the freight elevator at the offices for Fired Up Fabrications’ lawyers, let alone with the forklift required to carry it.”

The judge went on to order that JMF pay with a more conventional method, like a check. 


We don’t want to waste away our word count talking about how Section 31 of the United States Constitution states that coins are legal tender, and we don’t want to argue the ethics of giving a company a three-ton box when you owe them $20,000, but dude, a check?


The last time we saw a check, our mom wrote it out so that we could go to the field trip at the rec center pool back in third grade.


Judge Findley went on to increase JMF Enterprises’ fines, adding an additional $8,092 to cover the legal fees for the dispute that ensued after the metal box and coin fiasco. 


If we’re being honest here, we don’t think there would be anything funnier in the entire world than amassing an additional $8,000 worth of quarters for our next settlement.

However, we’ve also never even seen $8,000 besides that big pile of cash that was used in the end of Breaking Bad, so maybe we’re the wrong ones to ask here.