Kanye’s always gonna Kanye, we suppose …

No, Kanye, you’re not “the greatest living rock star on the planet” …

When more than 130,000 people signed a petition to have Kanye West removed as a headliner on England’s legendary Glastobury Music Festival, it gave the appearance more than just a coveted spot on the lineup. It gave it mass appeal and something to pay attention to when the time finally arrived. Would fans boo, throw rotten tomatoes and pout until the very end — or would it go off without a hitch like most other performances from the polarizing emcee?

The latter, it would seem, was what transpired this past weekend when Kanye took the stage. No special effects — aside from a low-hung lighting rig that looks like more of a KFC chicken heating setup than anything else — and a bland, vocally strained performance from Mr. Zestfully Clean himself (watch the full set below).

The entirety of the set isn’t much to get excited over, except of course when comedian Lee Nelson jumps on stage and Kanyes Kanye — later dedicating the endeavor to Taylor Swift via social media. We’d love to hear a recording of the banter about it afterwards between West and his crew— we’re guessing he wasn’t able to say much, considering he’s now interrupted two great artists on stage at career defining awards acceptances.

Karma, it comes …

To make matters worse for himself in the court of public opinion, however, is when West decided to pull out a great classic from Queen and mildly attempt to sing a portion of “Bohemian Rhapsody” — eventually claiming himself to be “the greatest living rock star on the planet” before continuing on in his set. Either he’s never Googled people like Steven Tyler, Blondie, Bootsy Collins … Bette Midler … shit, anyone, really … or he’s just really out of touch with reality.

Kanye’s always gonna Kanye, we suppose …