It took us a while to get into the whole Lana Del Rey thing. Her songs are great, her voice is sultry and she’s no doubt a talented artist. But like with all things important in our mental entertainment caches, we judge artist’s worth by the context of their Saturday Night Live appearances. Hers was rough – and we’d rather never relive that again.
But we think that she may have changed our minds entirely with her new short film released just this morning (Dec. 5). “Tropico” is a work that’s more or less just three music videos seamlessly tied together with some added girl flesh and Del Rey reciting Alan Ginsberg’s “The Howl.” With all the biblical characters, celebrity impersonators, sexy violence and violent sex references flourishing in the 26 minute film, we’re sure it’ll be dissected by critics eventually and made into something more symbolic than that; but for now we’ll stick to our tried and true basics.
Marilyn Monroe, Elvis, Jesus, a unicorn, thugs, drugs and slow-motion strip clubs? Finally, something tolerable comes out of California that caters to our inability to sit for over an hour during a remake of an old classic that butchers the dearest of our childhood memories.
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