Dating women by Ron Swanson. Vice reports on Denver's medical marijuana industry. Facebook statuses that will make you undateable. Patent trolls who are ruining the world. And the 15 best zombie books of all time.
The Ron Swanson Guide to Romance – "Strippers do nothing for me, but I will take a free breakfast buffet any time, any place." Truer words have never been spoken.
10 Facebook Statuses That Will Make You Undateable – What? Just because our only Facebook photos are with
High Country – Vice profiles Denver's MMJ scene. Up next, Vice profiles Rooster's editor taking a shit.
This American Life Takes on Patent Trolls…Again- Two years ago This American Life did some investigative reporting on patent trolls. Two years later and small business in Vermont are now being sued for using WiFi… without a patent. Will the zombie Apocalypse come already?
The Ten Best Books About Zombies – Speaking of zombies…
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