Chemistry Club doesn’t want to be just a band in the general sense of being a band. So they're putting out a comic book, whynot?

Chemistry Club doesn’t want to be just a band in the general sense of being a band. Sure, there are guitars, and drums, and singing, and everything that goes with being stage performers, but the act also explores other creative realms of output. Last summer it was creating its own addictive video game. Now, the self-proclaimed science-geeks are putting out a comic book to help tie the whole "Copia" series together.

The book — titled “Copia: Landfall” — is a follow-up to “The Electric Hush EP” and continues the story of a fictional sci-fi inspired world wrought with puzzling issues and chaotic wonderment. It’s also the second installment of what the band promises to be a four part series of the entire narrative.

This Friday the 13th, the band will be at the Summit Music Hall with supporting acts Red Fox Run, Amzy, Instant Empire and Vices I Admire to release the project. Tickets are still available and can be purchased via SodaJerk’s website.