In our October 2013 issue we highlighted twelve of our favorite bands and artists in our “Local Music Madness” feature. They’re all making the neatest of sounds and perpetually adding their own unique piece to our sonic culture here in Colorado. But we can say all we want about them, and it wouldn’t make any difference to you whether or not you like their style. So here we are, offering you up some of their goods.
Today we’re focusing on Denver’s rock act Lola Black. Even without the drive of popular media outlets giving it all the hype, the band has managed to instill in the music culture here an undying reality that the hard rock scene lives. Their powerful songs thrive in a little talked about scene that refuses to die. On the contrary, it’s quickly making a much-needed comeback.
Don’t try and sell it short, the hard rock scene is alive and well in Colorado proper. It hasn’t even gone away all that much, and sure as shit still commands fans. In the center of it all is Lola Black, a flashy gem of a woman with a gritty entourage in tow.
“The instant Lola walks out on stage you begin to understand that sugar, spice and everything nice were never things she was made of. Her 5–foot-4 Spanish frame is all tits, tats and everything Black,” says the band’s bio.
In 2012, Denver’s hard rock radio station KBPI named Lola Black the best band in Denver. It was a first for a female-fronted act. Since then, Lola Black has amassed an impressive following with repeated airplay and showings at notable, larger capacity venues. The metal fiends have also played much of the larger rock festivals Colorado hosts, including the Rockstar Mayhem Festival and The Locura Festival, and it even shared stage with the legendary Skid Row.
*As always, The Rooster asks that you support the artists that you like, and don’t be an awful person by downloading illegally what you should pay for. Contrary to popular belief, musicians are people, and people need to eat and pay their rent – that’s probably too damn high anyways – just like us common folk. Artists work hard to make this world a little less boring, and should be compensated as such.
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