We're not alone in this cold, cruel world of ours …

Sometimes it’s easy to forget we share this beautiful world of ours with other people — and those other people have adult problems of their own, too. But to ease the general consensus a bit: No, we’re not the only crybabies on this meaningless floating rock in a vast empty space; we have company!

In speaking with a few of the musicians coming out of Australia, one thing always tends to be at the forefront of their minds: The land down under is having major issues related to its club culture — and the area’s power structures keep fucking up trying to “fix” it.

For who knows how long, clubs down under have been going to all odd hours of the morning, spitting out revelers when they’re damn good and ready to leave. This is basically opposite of what we have going on in Denver. There isn’t much of a “cut off” point the clubs, bars and restaurants have to adhere to. When people get tired, they go home. Kind of like … personal liberty or something …

But certain acts of violence have erupted, particularly in Queensland, and (no surprise) alcohol is a blamed culprit of the night-ruining shenanigans. To quell the actions a bit, the governmental structures are trying to invoke a curfew, with “lockout” (no entry for anyone not already inside the building) to be moved from 3am to 1am, a 3 am closing time (down from 5am) and “no shots or hard alcohol after midnight” (because that has scientific validity) and any venue not adhering to the policies can be fined big time.

Repeat offenders of breaking certain nightlife rules or being too shit-hammered on multiple occasions will also be banned from participating in big kid outings. 86’d from city life — that’s harsh!

Rumors are also flying around on the Net that cops around the area will be able to breathalyze patrons at any point … whenever they feel like it … just because. Even though Queensland's Attorney General Yvette D’Ath has backpeddaled on a statement justifying the illegal search and seizures, she still maintains the lockouts are moving along accordingly. "Sweet D'Ath, thanks," says nobody in Queensland under the age of 40 right now.

What's more confusing, in 2008 Melbourne attempted a similar lockout and unsurprisingly experienced a spike in city violence during the trial period. The failure caused the government to back out of any inane ideas like those in the future. So instead of learning from others' past mistakes, there's still city leaders figuring they can do it different than everyone else — it's like America's twin, or something …

We have our own problems here dealing with reactionary governments and knee-jerk citizens missing full bags of marbles, but remember, we’re not the only ones fighting for power structures to lighten up a little. Obviously curbing alcohol-fueled violence anywhere is a great way to make the turn-up-life more enjoyable for everyone, but a simple checks and balances campaign embedded by everyone into their own social group is really all we’d need to get anything accomplished.

Or just look at how these baby seals act in the club — we could learn a thing or two from nature …