It's like the FarmVille of weed, except there's only one crop …
When it comes to federal marijuana legalization, it would be really great if people would stop fucking around. You know, stop hypothesizing and start doing.
However, fucking around with legal weed is exactly what game developer HKA Digital Studios want you to do. They've just released a mobile game called 'Hemp Inc.,' a specialized free app that's designed to speed up federal marijuana legalization by allowing people to game out scenarios in which weed was legal and life was good. Through playing it, the developers hope it gives users the impression that weed is as harmless and helpful a commodity as say, the bags of grain you buy on Oregon Trail. Although, those grain bags really don't help much when the dysentery strikes …
The brainchild of Danny Hammett, the same developer behind Call of Duty and Tony Hawk, Hemp Inc. plays a lot like FarmVille, except, well, there's only one crop. The core gameplay experience revolves around players growing and selling up to 20 different strains of weed to customers via their own dispensaries, purchasing property to expand their marijuana empire, and interacting with celebrity weed icons like Willie Nelson, Wiz Khalifa, Cheech Marin, Tommy Chong and Snoop Dogg.
On the surface, it's kind of like The Sims for legal weed, but there's also a pretty political undercurrent: Hemp Inc. was developed in partnership with High Times Magazine with the help of marijuana legalization non-profit NORML, both of which helped to design the game so that users could easily picture a world in which legal weed was a conventional part of everyday life.
High Times' COO Larry Linietsky told Vice that HKA approached them about eight months ago with the idea. The two parties clicked; after all, the partnership makes sense. Seventy percent of High Times' audience are 18-34-year-olds, and 76 percent of them are males, many of whom game just as much as they smoke. The magazine's logo appears when the app opens, its publication appears in the hands of characters and avatars, and it even has an office within the fictional town that is Hemp Inc.'s setting.
However, while Hemp Inc.'s premise is certainly progressive, important, and part of a cause many Americans are intensely passionate about, there hasn't been a whole ton of buzz around it. It's even garnered more than a million downloads in the three months since it launched. So, why is it still under the radar?
According to Hammett, the studio is still in the process of making sure that that Hemp Inc. can stand up to the demands of its users and get its marketing just right for a more substantial push. An official launch is scheduled for sometime in August, at which point most of the celebrities featured in the game will start to market them themselves. As such, Hemp Inc. is expected to blow up as famous smokers push it onto increasingly receptive audiences.
Until it's official launch, however, it's unclear whether Hemp Inc. will be received as simply a fun way to procrastinate or as a legitimate tool for social change. Although it shares many addicting traits with FarmVille and The Sims, marijuana legalization is still a much more polarizing topic than say, what color you should make the drapes in your fictional dream house or how many radishes you can sell before the frost. Clearly, those who see weed as a sinful hell vice won't play the game, but hopefully, people who are still on the fence about it will be able to visualize the benefit of legalization through gaming it out.
In a perfect world, Hemp Inc. would be powerful force in the federal legalization of weed. But, that really comes down to who plays it.
So, if you're at all interested in a world where weed is as legal as tobacco or booze, you might actually make a big difference by playing a mobile game and turning others onto it. And that's something no FarmVille kale sale can do.
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