Ex-LCD Soundsystem member and indie darling James Murphy no likey how New York's subway stations sound. So, in a move that positively blinds us with its buoyant optimism, he's planning on re-imagining the subway's turnstiles so that they sing pretty songs when people pass through. Aww, James Murphy, you're such a sweetheart.

Ex-LCD Soundsystem member and indie darling James Murphy no likey how New York's subway stations sound. They're "quite brutal," he said, referring to the ear-shattering clangs and squeals emanating from repeated impact of metal on metal in the subway's turnstiles.

So, James Murphy being James Murphy, has revealed a plan to re-imagine how the turnstiles sound. His hope is to create a system where each time a person enters a turnstile, a pretty, happy tone will play, creating a euphoric symphony of pleasant sounds as more and more people pass through so that New Yorkers no longer have to endure the deafening shrieks of their beloved transportation train-things. Can you feel the sun bursting through the clouds and the rainbow sparkles falling from the sky like gentle butterflies? So can we!

"We don't really care how the subway sounds," MTA spokesman Adam Linsberg said in regard to James' idea.

And here to talk about his proposed project, as well as preview some of the sounds, is man about town/big cuddly sweetheart James Murphy himself.