Ha ha, you think a wall can stop Czech man Petr Svacha from finishing his pudding? You think being thrown out of a restaurant for continuing to scarf down delicious pudding after closing time is some sort of reason to not eat pudding? You think Petr doesn't have a chainsaw and know how to use it? Spoiler alert: he does.

Ha ha, you think a wall can stop Czech man Petr Svacha from finishing his pudding? You think being thrown out of a restaurant for continuing to scarf down delicious pudding after closing time is some sort of reason to not eat pudding? You think Petr doesn't have a chainsaw and know how to use it? Spoiler alert: he does.

Petr was asked to leave a restaurant because it was past closing time. But the man was simply not finished putting the pudding in his mouth. So, at first, he acquiesced to the restaurant's wishes, and they thought everything was fine…until he returned, triumphant, brandishing a giant, roaring chainsaw that he then used to cut a gaping hole in the restaurant's wall so he could climb through and finish what he goddamn started. His puddin'.

Holy. Shit. One of the restaurant workers somehow overpowered the pudding-crazed Czech, while some others managed to call the police, who came and tore him away from his beloved dessert. Chain-sawing down buildings for pudding? That's what's called commitment, America. Let's all pour out some pudding for our homie Petr.