Forget about every drunken mistake you've ever made. Brush off the fact that your parents question why they spawned in the first place. All of your past blunders and mishaps pale in comparison to the man known as Hostgator Dotcom aka Billy Gibby. Hostgator started using his body as a walking billboard years ago. His first move, change his name to Hostgator Dotcom. His second move, keep the money flowing. For $50,000, Mr. Dotcom kept it classy and tattooed his entire face with porn URLs and casino websites. With money in hand, he could finally live the dream and support his baby daughter.

But not all that glitters is gold. Mr. Dotcom is done living the dream and wants the tattoos removed. When he opted for the face tattoos, he claims he suffered from untreated bipolar disorder. And now that he has treatment, he wants the tattoos removed which is expensive. Unfortunately, Dotcom can't pay for the removal unless he finds a better job and sadly, his face tattoos prevent him from finding a better job. Life's a bitch. 

Luckily for him, one of his past advertisers, porn site, is stepping up to the plate and paying for the removal of the tattoos. 

”They advertised on my face a long time ago … and decided they wanted to help me,” Dotcom told VICE magazine. “They’re just doing it to be nice.”

We always knew porn sites had a heart. And for this act of kindness, we will have to go and support all porn sites. Not because we want to, but because we have to. As for Mr. Dotcom, we're sure that your daughter will be proud of you — even if her dad's head has the slight outline of on his forehead when he attends parent-teacher conferences.