Whether Americans are preparing for the long and daunting task of surviving yet another alcoholic and politically charged Thanksgiving with the family, or are simply giving thanks for the blessing of the harvest, one thing is certain, marijuana sales spike around turkey day. 

Last year, as lines of shoppers camped outside of Best Buy and Walmart on Black Friday hoping to snag yet another cheap television to match the one they purchased last year, marijuana shoppers were celebrating their own revolution in what many dubbed 'Green Fridays' — as sales shot up 13 percent over the average Friday, according to Washington Dispensary sales data. In Denver, weed delivery service Baker saw order volume double for Green Friday and expects a much more significant bump this year.

It’s not just Green Friday where sales are up. The Wednesday before Thanksgiving saw an increase in sales of 27 percent as family members rushed to the stores hoping for something strong to quell the pain of sitting through dad’s story for the fourth time. According to Headset, a cannabis analytics firm, most of the purchases were in either food or drink consumption: dispensaries sold 58 percent more edibles and 72 percent more beverages than on an average Wednesday.

Looks like everyone intends on sharing the joy of the holidays. And who can blame them, with political disapproval at its highest level since the Salem Witch Trials, we’re guessing more family members will be voted off the island this holiday season than at any other point in time.