Social media has opened up a whole new world of possibilities. Normal kids like you or I can amass tens of thousands of friends while doing not much more than screwing around or simply playing video games with the lights off. For some, that access to the rest of the globe has given them a voice and an ability to put it all out there — whatever "it all" means to them. For the following ladies of Instagram, they've taken their love of cannabis to a developing niche of society and furnished it as their own. They're six of the most devoted cannabis enthusiasts on the platform, and look really good while doing what it is they love to do.


San Diego, Cali. // 55.9k followers

– So what exactly do you consider yourself? Instagram model? Weed model? Both?
I consider myself a Cannabis Instagram Influencer. I never refer to myself as a model, mostly because I think that's an overstatement for someone who only uses their iPhone for pictures, ha! Hopefully I'll get into doing photo shoots soon, but I'm also a business owner. Entrepreneurship is my priority over everything.

– How long have you been doing this?
I just started my weed Instagram in January. This all started when my roommate, @dab.michael.vincent, joked about me taking pictures with our leaves on my nipples. Before I knew it, I was getting sent all sorts of things to put on my nipples! The idea of this account was so that I could smoke for free, but it has become so much bigger than that. Definitely not complaining! My first account got deleted within a month because someone thought I was getting my dog high and reported me so hard. He said 'having your dog in the room when you smoke is the same thing as blowing cigarette smoke in a baby's face.' What?! Let me be clear, I don't and will not get my dog stoned. However, he has seizures and I've been looking into CBD treats for him.

– Are you making any money off of it?
I am indeed! Definitely not enough to pay the bills … yet;) I probably do one paid promo a week. For the most part I get tons of free cool stuff.

– Be real: Do you have any paid-for followers or nah?
Not a single one! That's a vow I made when I started, I will never ever pay for followers. It's really not that serious. Who wants to be the girl that pays people (or robots) to look at her selfies?

– Do your parents know what you do?
Ugh, no. I don't think it would totally surprise them though. I've always been the wild child. They would really hate this. Nobody except my roommate knew until recently. One day I got recognized in a bar. A guy came up to me holding his phone out, jaw dropped. 'CANNABABEKATIE!' I turned to my friends and go: 'I need to tell you something really quick, I'm half naked on Instagram smoking weed.' I've been pretty open about it since but I have to be careful with my reputation. I'm mostly concerned about my business and what my clients would think.

– How much weed do you smoke on a normal day?
Not as much as people think I do! I'm the most unproductive stoner ever. I work about 65 hours a week so I can't let it interfere. I only smoke at night and when I'm hungover. Most days I just do one dab before bed. My roomie and I dab together and recap the day, my favorite tradition for sure.

– What are your long term goals / what do you want to get out of this?
I'm crazy passionate about making gourmet edibles and have always wanted my own edibles company. I think this Instagram is an amazing foundation for that endeavor. I love networking through it, I've met so many cool people. I'm not sure if I can be cannababe forever. Aside from the DM marriage proposals I get, it's been a wet blanket on my dating life. I won't sacrifice this account for a guy, but I can understand why someone wouldn't want their girl as out there as I am. Ultimately, I want to help destigmatize smoking weed and sex. I'm not by any means a feminist, sorry. But, I will wear what makes me feel good. I will post what makes me feel good. I won't be sorry about it, I won't tone it down, and I encourage everyone else to do the same.


Grand Junction, Colo. // 58.6k followers

– So what exactly do you consider yourself? Instagram model? Weed model? Both?
I consider myself a cannabis entrepreneur.

– How long have you been doing this?
Almost a year.

– Are you making any money off of it?
I am, and my businesses are as well.

– What's some of the worst stuff people have commented you about?
Ya know, its basically people that are insecure with their own bodies and tell me they are going to unfollow me for wearing dressing a certain way … (giggle) … I don't take much personally … we all have our own set of eyes and how we perceive this world.

– Is it all generally positive vibes with your audience?
Yes! That is 99 percent of it. I give it back and its a beautiful cycle.

– Be real: Do you have any paid-for followers or nah?
No, not paid, I am promoted often through other major pages on Instagram and it has made a huge difference. I have been representing many products from wonderful distributors as well. I get sent free merch, smokeables and glass.

– Do your parents/family know what you do?
Yes! I am proud of what I do, and how I do it. My parents don't understand Instagram really, but they support me 100 percent. My fiancé is my biggest fan.

– If you're having a bad day, do you avoid Instagram or does it help turn around the day?
This is a great question 🙂 Somedays I avoid posting when I have too much to do because I know the second I get on my account it will be an hour later before I'm half way through replying to DMs. 🙂
I started my page to inspire others, so when I am not in the mood, I remind myself that there are people that look to me, to bring them up! So, that in itself inspires me to get back in my groove and seeing how I can affect people positively makes my day way better!

– How much weed do you smoke on a normal day?
I consume about  2-3 grams of flower a day and about half a gram of concentrate at bed time, or when I am in the mood for a dab. I really enjoy edibles when I am sick or in a lot of pain.

– What are your long term goals / what do you want to get out of this?
I started my first business at 25, I am now opening a head shop and launching an apparel line in July this year, so I always think about my future. Having my Instagram grow as quickly as it has and being able to meet as many people as I have has really given me the network I've been dreaming of. Being able to connect and share what I believe, or what I like or just myself has changed my life in many ways and I am thankfull! My ultimate goal is to grow my head shop to have many different owners all over, I want to offer a business plan to people who want to be their own boss in this industry. I want to go big and make an empire.

– Where do you see cannabis legalization in the next few years?
I see MMJ moving nationwide, I do not see recreational moving too much further or quickly. I hope that cannabis can be taken more seriously and the stigma can be put to rest. I feel its part of my responsibility to rebuild a new identity for cannabis, there are many people working hard on legalization. I have worked hard on it for the past year in my county. In Grand Junction, our city voted no against having medical dispensaries 6 YEARS AGO, WE JUST FINISHED A PETITION DRIVE AND STILL HAVE an upward battle ahead. It is up to the people to keep this plant as it is and not let Big Pharma take it over. I believe in the plant 100 percent and believe it should be the go to cure-all for many things. My dream is that prescription drugs are slowly eliminated as a treatment plan for things cannabis can do.


A post shared by QeenBee66(@qeenbee66) on


Los Angeles, Cali. // 152k followers

– So what exactly do you consider yourself? Instagram model? Weed model? Both?
Neither, I’m just a cannabis enthusiast.

– How long have you been doing this?
6 years.

– Are you making any money off of it?

– What's some of the worst stuff people have commented you about?
My looks and not inhaling [laughs].

– Is it all generally positive vibes with your audience?
For the most part. There is the occasional troll.

– Be real: Do you have any paid-for followers or nah?
Nah who wants to waste money on followers? I have so much other stuff i want in life!

– Do your parents know what you do?


A post shared by @pothead.princess on

– If you're having a bad day, do you avoid Instagram or does it help turn around the day?
I sorta stay off.

– How much weed do you smoke on a normal day?
Depends on the day, each day is different for me, but roughly 5 grams.

– What are your long term goals / what do you want to get out of this?
Really want to have my own cannabis company one day!

– Where do you see cannabis legalization in the next few years?
I’m not even sure, so much changed from it being legal to Trump bringing in Jeff Sessions. But i have hope!

[Photo Credits: @blow_smoke, @bongbeauties]


Reno, Nev. // 38.6k followers

– So what exactly do you consider yourself? Instagram model? Weed model? Both?
I don't usually refer to myself as a model, but if I were to be known for modeling I'd hope for it to be in the cannabis community. 🙂 My photos with weed are for fun and to celebrate who I am along with what I love!

– How long have you been doing this?
Well, I've always loved being in front of the camera for as long as I can remember. And although I've never pursued modeling seriously, I've been really loving shooting with smoke more lately — it's so beautiful!

– Are you making any money off of it?
I haven't had a paid photoshoot in over a year, actually. Cannabis is just such a huge passion and part of my life so I decided to start adding it into more or my pictures.

– What's some of the worst stuff people have commented you about?
I haven't ever had to deal with negative attention. If someone decides to be rude, I just block them. My page should only reflect openness to be oneself completely without judgment.

– Is it all generally positive vibes within your audience?
Absolutely! So many wonderful friends from near and far support me.

– Be real: Do you have any paid-for followers or nah?
I have never and will never pay for followers or shout outs. It might be one hell of an ego boost to look at your page with an extra few-thousand followers one morning, but I'm a lot more down to earth than that.

– Do your parents know what you do?
Yes, I have family that follows my Instagram. I will never be ashamed of my photos or the image I portray.

– If you're having a bad day, do you avoid Instagram or does it help turn around the day?
My attitude doesn't usually transform because of social media at all. If I'm having a bad day, I usually try to focus on myself and make it better rather than letting Instagram effect me either way.

– How much weed do you smoke on a normal day? 
I smoke every single day! It's a huge part of my life especially being employed by multiple dispensary collectives, I'm usually always medicated. 

– What are your long term goals / what do you want to get out of this?
I hope that the image of cannabis and smoking will continue to become more normalized. As far the future, I hope to keep sharing my travels, passion for weed and connect with wonderful people all over the globe!

– Where do you see cannabis legalization in the next few years?
Legalization is well on its way to making it across the full U.S. It truly is an amazing time to be alive and watch marijuana and it's education be prevalent in so many lives.


San Francisco Bay Area, Cali. // 55.8k followers

– So what exactly do you consider yourself? Instagram model? Weed model? Both?
I am a hash lover first, model second, cannabis model third, and someone who has been mildly successful with my Instagram — and who could be a lot more successful if I actually put effort into it. But hash and paid commercial modeling are my main gigs and Instagram is just a way to network and promote and express myself.

– How long have you been doing this?
Cannabis? Since I was 11 or 12.
Modeling? Full time for 8+ years.
Modeling with Cannabis? 8 + years.
Social media? Cannabis friendly since the beginning

– Are you making any money off of it?
Modeling/ acting is my main job. I make enough to get by. From my commercial work yes, from IG sometimes. I get paid bookings from IG, which is most profitable for me. Sometimes people offer to pay me to promote a product. I do if I like the product and would genuinely recommend it, but I will decline if I wouldn't actually use it. And I don't promote every product I am offered, I actually turn most people down. I know people actually pay attention to what I say, so my opinion carries a decent amount of weight and I want to remain credible with my followers.

– What's some of the worst stuff people have commented you about?
I have to start out by saying that I actually have very good and respectful group of followers, with a few exceptions. Most everyone is generally positive. And when there are negative comments, my followers come to my rescue. That being said, everyone has their haters and creepers … the worst would be the idiots that don't understand gravity and depth perception — as in boobs lay down and out to the side when you lay down. I have gotten numerous comments about my tits being far apart on my beach pics, to which a random female follower is usually quick to point out gravity to these losers and set them straight. I have also gotten some downright scary predatorial comments from dudes basically describing how they would sexually assault me. Block and delete negativity works best. And if they send you a penis pic or ask for nudes, I send them the bloody penis pic. 😉

– Be real: Do you have any paid-for followers or nah?
No, I like to do it all organically. As I mentioned earlier, if I actually tried I would have lot more followers. I post inconsistently , sometimes going days or even weeks without a post! And I don't do shout for shouts like most of girls do. I do get reposted a lot, and I like to think it's because I make decent pics or posts and have a few people that like me out there with a hell of a lot more followers. And the great thing about organic followers is that they follow me for the right reasons like they like my work, attitude and the things I am into!

– Do your parents know what you do?
My parents are very proud and supportive of me and my career!!! Cannabis helped bring my family together!!! My Father was so proud of me before he passed away a few years back; I just wish he could have seen just how much further I have succeeded since then. I remember one year just before 4/20 my father called to ask if I was going to be at his area's cannabis celebration. I still have the message on my phone, he said he heard there were going to be appearances by some cannabis industry celebrities and he wanted to know if I was one of them. He was so proud! I just wish he could see me now. And family smoke seshes at the dinner table are our new tradition. I am truly lucky to have such an amazing and supportive family!

– If you're having a bad day, do you avoid Instagram or does it help turn around the day?
There should be a rule against me posting on bad days and when I wake up before I have smoked. I put my foot in my mouth more often than not when I post when I am not high or in a bad mood. So it's in my best interest to avoid all social media when I am not doing well!

– How much weed do you smoke on a normal day?
I dab high quality hash oil made from amazing cannabis flowers from the time I wake up until the time I go to bed, and if I wake up in the night too! I probably dab anywhere from 1-3 grams on average per day. And I smoke cannabis more when I go on hikes or to places that it would be too inconvenient to carry a rig and a torch with you.

– What are your long term goals / what do you want to get out of this?
That's a good question, I am still figuring that out because I have accomplished and adapted many of the goals I had going into this. So now I am focusing on building more international recognition and building a brand for myself within the industry. I also now am very focused on being a positive role model for other girls in both the modeling and cannabis industries. I want to send the message that you can follow your dreams and be independent and successful! 

– Where do you see cannabis legalization in the next few years?
I see more legalization happening in the states and with that comes more regulation and corporate control. I think right now is the best of times in California as far as fun, good quality varieties of hash and cannabis are abundant, and social use is widely accepted. Once legalization fully kicks in, regulation will kill most social gatherings. I am hoping that we will be able to adapt the Spanish model of social clubs. I think Spain is actually ahead of us in many ways because of the social club model. It encourages members to medicate on site and you can have mixed uses, such as entertainment, food kitchens, juice bars, movie theaters, and they serve alcohol — which is cool because it means there is always something for everyone, even if they don't use cannabis Now if they would just quit putting tobacco in their joints … 

I see worldwide that cannabis legalization is experiencing the domino effect. Each year more and more countries implement it for medical use, some decriminalize, and more and more you see countries moving towards full legalization. We have definitely reached a tipping point in favor of legalization, but the work of far from done. Until countries stop murdering and locking up their citizens (especially minority's) and denying access to sick people then we still have a long way to go. But I am positive that we will get there eventually. More and more people are waking up to the benefits that cannabis can offer. Education is the key!


A post shared by Cannabis Cover Girl (@sarahjain420) on

[photo credits: @stratuswear, Ray Christian, @devinefocus, @x_tracted]


Denver, Colo. // 12.3k followers

– So what exactly do you consider yourself? Instagram model? Weed model? Both?
I consider myself both, mainly because Instagram is a main influence of my modeling in general, and it is a very weed-friendly social media app with a large following of fans who love to see stoner babes in action.

– How long have you been doing this?
I have been modeling since my early adulthood years, when I was newly 18 and wanting to spread my wings and explore this new cultural thing of 'Instagram modeling.'

– Are you making any money off of it?
I make small payments here and there on mostly workshops put together for photographers to practice their skills on models; and I also had a small part for some time with a small local Harley Davidson / general local bike shops hiring me for a day with tips for either photos or bike wash photos — which is always a good time for me anyway.

– What's some of the worst stuff people have commented you about?
I don’t pay much attention to the negative comments I receive. I always feel very confident in the work I put out there so if some ignorant or arrogant person wants to focus on something they see negative about me or my picture rather than paying me a compliment, or paying me no attention at all, it wouldn’t change anything about who I am or what I do at the end of the day.

– Is it all generally positive vibes with your audience?
Yes absolutely, I have a very strong and large support system of very loyal and wonderful friends, family and fans! They show me constant love and support for the work that I do.

– Be real: Do you have any paid-for followers or nah?
Nah, ha, I have been real about who I am on my Instagram since the beginning, so all of my followers are either a fan of me, or they could be a robot too I guess, but they have never gotten any money from me to boost my followers.

– Do your parents know what you do?
My parents know I model and that I also do features in music videos, but for the most part, they don’t see my photos, they aren’t too technically savvy with apps.

– If you're having a bad day, do you avoid Instagram or does it help turn around the day?
Sometimes, a visit can turn my day around completely, but I don’t normally go to my Instagram to lift up my spirits when I’m down.

– How much weed do you smoke on a normal day?
I try to stay at a steady 3-4 blunts a day, I would burn through much more for sure if money was never an issue for me.

– What are your long-term goals / what do you want to get out of this?
I want to continue to grow in the marijuana modeling world and hopefully take my skills to new states over these next couple years to help with my exposure, and just to practice and meet new photographers from all over the place. I want modeling and entertaining to be my career, my source of income, and I want to be surrounded by this stuff as much as I can for as long as I can.

– Where do you see cannabis legalization in the next few years?
I would love to see cannabis legalized everywhere in the states and hopefully everywhere in the world eventually, mostly for its medicinal purposes, for the people who actually need it to live and function a happy healthy life. I still know there are so many false stigmas around the people who smoke the plant, but I want to hopefully help break that and open up a lot of people’s eyes for what marijuana is really good for.


A post shared by Cassandra Lynn (@gypsyganja) on

[photos: @tehbrendan,, @steadyprime, @scardphotography, @mstevenson_photo]