On men’s online forums, fellas rejoiced.
They’d stumbled upon a new app, called MakeApp, that can remove makeup from any photo or video.
Members of largely misogynistic groups, like Reddit’s Men Going Their Own Way, made declarations along the lines of, “HUZZAH! We can finally see what women look like underneath their MASK OF LIES!”
Women, on the other hand, criticize the app for its sexist implications — that ladies use makeup as a tool to deceive and manipulate men, and that women wear makeup exclusively to indulge the male gaze. As if every time a girl buys a new set of eyeshadow or a bottle of concealer, she’s got dicks on her mind.
Countless ladies who have tried the app find that its “no-makeup” filter is so unflattering, it’s downright cruel. For one, it adds imperfections that weren’t necessarily there in the first place. Pimples, blotches and scarring are randomly scattered across the skin. Wrinkles are revealed on even 20-somethings.
It doesn’t seem to remove makeup, so much as make every woman look like she’s doubled in age and just come off a meth bender. After a run through the app, it almost seems as if no woman could ever be portrayed without makeup and still be beautiful. Even supermodels emerge looking like old hags.
To women, this digital version of “take her swimming on the first date” is insulting enough on its own. But the controversy that erupted online, along with the hateful praise from prejudiced online circles, only made things worse.
“Apps are made that enhance women's looks by making their skin look smoother, making them look less fat, making their eyes look bigger, etc., and women universally start applying them to every selfie that they take,” one man commented on a Men Going Their Own Way discussion, referring to apps like Snapchat and Bikini. “An app is made that undoes a portion of this deception and they freak out.”
Says another in this same thread, “Women go on and on and on about how they hate men who lie — when they have fake hair, fake lips, they inject literal poison into their foreheads, fake eyelashes, fake eyebrows, fake contours, fake beauty marks, fake boobs, push up/padded bras, fake butts, butt inserts, high heels, and fake nails. It's pure comedy.”
As if desperate to out-asshole all the others, one more man chimes in about the app, “It should be called The Cunt-Buster.”
Unsurprisingly, this new technology was developed by a man. His name is Ashot Gabrelyanov, and he has vehemently denied claims that his app was intended to shame women. Instead, he insists the app could actually help women, by identifying victims of human trafficking.
More likely, the technology was made to offer some sense of consolation for men who have been spurned by attractive ladies. With MakeApp, the lonely assholes can creep around social media, manipulate the pictures of women who have rejected them, and feel like they’ve taken them down a notch.
Surely, men are already aware that women do not naturally have bright red lips and shimmering gold eyelids. What more likely needs clarification is the assumption that women wear makeup only for men.
While makeup may be conventionally superficial, its uses can be far more meaningful than simply attracting some schmuck. Many women see makeup as a hobby, a form of artistry, a method of therapy, or an astounding source of self-esteem. It’s launched the careers of countless women and established a sense of physical confidence in many more.
Ain’t it just like self-important fellas to misinterpret something women do for their own mental health and enjoyment, and make it revolve around them.
The app’s “make-unders” have a tendency to make women look worse than they did pre-cosmetics. It makes dimes look like tired, sunken-eyed old ladies with graying skin and liver spots. It perpetuates the idea that underneath your concealer and mascara, you're not just a person who happens to not be wearing makeup — you're ugly.
That’s why the most disappointing part of this sexist technology is men’s celebration of it. As a recent headline so eloquently phrased the female response to MakeApp’s release, “you can use this app to see women without makeup, or you can just get a fucking life.”
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