Sadly, we understand exactly what it's like to be too damn sexy for your own good. This type of discrimination happens to us at every strip club and it has nothing to do with a certain thigh nibbling incident…

Sadly, we understand exactly what it's like to be too damn sexy for your own good. This type of discrimination happens to us at every strip club and it has nothing to do with a certain thigh nibbling incident.

Via Gawker: At least three men attending an annual culture festival in Saudi Arabia were kicked out of the country after religious police officers deemed them "too handsome" to stay. The men, delegates from the United Arab Emirates, were minding their own business at the Jenadrivah Heritage & Cultural Festival in Riyadh when members of the mutaween suddenly "stormed" the pavilion and removed the men by force."

A festival official said the three Emiratis were taken out on the grounds they are too handsome and that the Commission [for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vices] members feared female visitors could fall for them," the Arabic-language newspaper Elaph reported this week. The Emirati delegates were subsequently deported back to their home country.