Demand in Mexico for American-grown cannabis has skyrocketed, leaving many to wonder if the demand for deep-fried trans fats and Fruit Roll-Ups may follow suit.
Similar to an episode of Breaking Bad having a baby with The Twilight Zone, American grass is now being transported south of the border, where the demand for cannabis grown in legal American markets is at an all-time… well, high.
The news gives new meaning to the age-old adage “How the tables have turned and begun smoking far superior cannabis with an increase in quality that can only be indicative of a legal market and regulation.”
Although the sale, purchase or distribution of cannabis in Mexico is still illegal, it’s worth noting that this never really stopped anyone before, and you can even ask my cousins that live in North Dakota.
While Mexico voted to decriminalize the use or possession of up to 28 grams of cannabis this past June, the sale of marijuana remains illegal, opening up a huge market for anyone would-be trafficker with a quarter pound of gumption and a need to emulate their inner Cheech and Chong.
According to The Washington Post, Cannabis grown in the U.S. and trafficked into Mexico can be sold at a 300 percent markup compared to what it’s sold for in the America.
For a reference, your first ounce that you bought your freshman year of high school and which was consequently flushed down the latrine by your hysterical mother amidst tears of disappointment and shame? In Mexico, that $150 ounce is now costing $450, otherwise known as roughly 122 Cheesy Gordita Supreme Crunch Wraps, or 90 copies of “Wayne’s World” from the bargain bin at Best Buy.
As Mexico’s government continues to establish rules for the sale of cannabis, demand only continues to grow for American-produced weed with trendy names like “Bubba Kush,” or “Get my mom on the phone right now.”
While it’s unclear how Mexican-run cartels are handling the recent change in cannabis demand, rumors are beginning to spread that they intend to shift their gazes to other lucrative goods, such as super heady-looking mandala tapestries, or kombucha.
Meanwhile, the new trafficking trends are perplexing U.S. Border Patrol agents, who until very recently only had to bust the metaphorical balls of those trying to get into the U.S.
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